Many people, including myself, share the opinion that 2016 was a brutal roller coaster of events and emotions. But, I guess that's the beauty of a new year. New opportunities, possibilities and hope are created and restored. If you're not one of those people, know that I am, and I have enough hope to go around. After the most emotionally difficult and trying year of my life, I'm welcoming 2017 with open arms.
I'm looking back on my experiences, struggles and failures, understanding that with each I have this year, I'll instead have enjoyable memories, strengths and victories. I wish the same for you. I also wish you:
1. A year of love
Whether this be romantically or in any other form, I wish you love in the grandest and simplest forms.
2. A year of peace
Whatever hurt, burden or worry you may be carrying from last year or even years before, I wish you freedom from it. I wish you comfort and solace in your life, as you deserve.
3. A year of knowledge
I hope you learn about yourself, others, life, the world. When you look back on the year, you have a better understanding than you did going into it.
4. A year of health
I pray this year and future years are filled with physical, emotional and mental health. A healthy mind and body make for a happy and healthy life. Take care of yourself. I also pray your loved ones share in this.
5. A year of growth
I hope you accept the experiences offered to you, and allow them to help you grow. I hope you use them as fuel to not only do better, but be better.
6. A year of happiness
This one speaks for itself. I wish you happiness in every way a person deserves to be happy. I wish you all the laughter, smiling, adventure, joy and bliss happiness can bring.
Cheers to the new year!