I'm not the type of person that goes around telling people about what I dreamt last night. Although a few days ago I had a dream that made me feel really nostalgic. The school I grew up in sold its building a few years ago, and I dreamt I visited it the day before it was scheduled for destruction.
The property was sold and is going to be turned into a condominium, at least that's what I was told. It was an amazing atmosphere, the school building itself was huge, and it was shaped like the Hebrew letter ׳ח׳ in a way. We had a huge lawn where we raced and played tag at recess, and for the younger grades there was a small playground. Although age didn't really matter when it came to that playground, even in 5th grade I remember my friends and I sneaking off to hang out there. The school held grades Pre-K to 12th grade. I sadly didn't end up staying there for high school but I left with happy memories.
The dream started out very weird- I was in a car with my father and my little brother. My father stopped at the school and told me to take a few pictures as memories before they knock the property down. I took my brother with me and went inside. I don't know if it's just me but many times my dreams feel real, for example I cry in my sleep if I'm crying in a dream. So once I was in the building, on the 2nd floor to be exact, I felt a type of calmness take over me. It was such a familiar place and even though it was a dream I still remember what it smelled like and where my locker was. I walked around and there were pictures of my classmates, girls I grew up with but don't see anymore. In the dream, I ran my fingers over the pictures and smiled at the familiar faces.
I also went to our famous auditorium. In my school there was this place in the auditorium, I think it was called the light box by some students. It's where faculty would control the lights and music during school plays. When you walk into the light box all you see on the walls are signatures of students that graduated. It was a big deal to sneak up there and sign your name before or after your graduation ceremony. I walked in and looked at all the names, half were foreign, the other half I knew all too well. I took a few pictures of the building and then walked out. As I was walking out I saw my 8th grade class picture on the wall. And I told my brother everyone's names and their quirks or hobbies that I remember them having. He told me he's sorry that I won't be able to see the building anymore.
I walked out of the building and everyone in my 8th grade class was there. But they didn't look like they did in 8th grade; they were older, they were 18 now. Being that this was a dream, what I saw doesn't mean that's how they all looked now. In my dream, I hugged a few of them saying it's been so long and I convinced everyone to take a "class picture" for old times sake. They all agreed and my brother took one for us. The dream ended when I walked into my car and wiped a tear from my eye saying how I'll never forget my school.
I woke up and my heart hurt a little. You look back at your life sometimes and you realize that you've taken things for granted. I wish I spent more time enjoying my childhood. The most ironic thing about this dream was that I had it the night of my 18th birthday. The day I reached adulthood was the day I wished I could relive my childhood.
Seeing what I assumed to be the girls in my 8th grade class all grown up felt very weird to me. I haven't seen most of them since the 8th or 9th grade. Unfortunately I didn't keep in touch with many of them. Half of them went on to different high schools, the others stayed in the same school for 12 years. Those who did I saw at their graduation. You see, despite me not being close with them anymore, I made sure to be there to cheer them on. What I like about running into them here and there is that it's never awkward, it feels like we're still kids splitting our candy at recess, destroying the bathroom with wet paper towels, breaking the lights, ripping the paint off the school walls or making glue balls when we get bored.
I'm happy for the years I've spent in my school. My yearbook theme was roller coasters, and it was a perfect way to describe our 8-9 years together. Although there were many fights, some of which I remember and cringe at what a weird child I was. It was a happy place, filled with laughter, love, and happiness. We were family; I like to believe that deep down we always will be. It's sad to know I'll never be able to physically see my school again, but its memory will live with me and all its other students forever.
As for my 8th grade class, I'm not sure if any of them will read this. Although if they do, once all of us are in New York again- because many of you went to study abroad. I feel like we should have a reunion; I'm really curious to see if my interpretation of how some of you look now is true or not. I feel like some of you guys are strangers to me, we've all grown up and changed in the past 5 years. I wonder what it would be like to be in a room with you all again.
Point is, don't take anything for granted. No matter how old you are, each day is a blessing and a new opportunity to make memories. Use that to your advantage, I know I will.