With only two weeks to go until school starts again, I'm remembering the days when I was about to start college and everything terrified me. I worried about making friends, getting good grades and being a weird hybrid freshman-sophomore. I wish someone told me I only needed to worry about one of the things on my list. So here is my advice to you, incoming freshman, in hopes that you will learn from my mistakes.
1. Online college packing lists are guidelines, not laws.
It's super overwhelming trying to figure out what you need to bring with you to school. There are the things that are so obvious you forget them, and the things that you thought you would die without but all they did was collect dust and take up space. College packing lists are there to help you but don't get caught up in them. They often have items that you won't need, like an alarm clock - your phone will double as one, but I'm sure you knew that already.
2. Don't wait until the last minute to pack.
3. Don't diss the Goodwill.
If you're hoping to have a couch or fridge in your room, try checking the Goodwill for these things first. They are so much cheaper and trust me the cheaper the better.
4. Get to campus on "move-in day" early.
There are going to be long lines of people wanting to check in and parking will be atrocious. Arrive as early as possible.
5. Command strips can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
They will be super useful when hanging up your decorations but keep them far away from curtain rods. Far, far, away.
6. Work hard but have fun.
College is a unique experience where you become your own person and meet super cool people. You will also have tons of homework so don't neglect that.
7. College level work is way harder
If you think you can slack off and turn in mediocre work, you have another thing coming. Your professors expect your best all of the time and won't baby you. You are now paying for your schooling. Don't blow it off. I promise you will regret doing that.
8. You will make friends.
I promise. You just have to get out there. Don't be afraid to sit at a new table at every meal, go to school events or join a club.
9. You will get homesick.
Some of you are already anticipating this phenomenon and some of you are thinking I'm crazy. Just wait for when you have your first cold.
10. Don't stretch yourself too thin.
Be involved but never to the point where your grades start slipping. Academic scholarships are life.
11. Don't be afraid to be open minded.
Your views will be challenged and maybe even proven wrong. Don't be afraid to find your own answers and never be satisfied with someone just telling them to you.
12. You will doubt your major.
You will go through stages of not knowing what your major should be. You will doubt everything. Don't be afraid to change it as many times as it takes for you to find what you are truly passionate about.
Ultimately, this is going to be an interesting year for you, freshman. You will grow, be challenged, and go on to do great things. I wish you all the best this year and try not to worry. You've got this!