It is the most dreadful time of the year. No, not Christmas (and I am unsure how anyone could hate Christmas season) I’m talking about finals. It is no secret that students despise finals. I’m almost convinced professors are too, because they have to read over 30, eight to ten page papers that students completed four hours before the due date.
Finals are stressful and overwhelming. I for one, want nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, I must partake or else I’ll flunk out of college and I don’t think my mom would appreciate that. With that being said, here are five not-so-fun activities that I would rather do than have to write final papers and study for final tests.
1. Wait all day at the DMV.
Some people are convinced that the DMV is its own small and specialized version of hell. Even with an appointment there’s no guarantee you’ll be out of the place within an hour. However, I would much rather be in a small version of hell, than a large one.
2. Running more than a mile.
I was not gifted with a high athletic ability or strong lungs. Though, running more than a mile without stopping sounds more inviting than studying or writing a paper. If I were to run, I know I would feel accomplished and (in my mind) look better than I did before. When I’m studying, I stay in one spot and shove cookies into the endless tunnel that is my mouth.
3. Listen to Screamo music for an hour.
I enjoy listening to many different stylings of music. My iTunes includes Beyonce, the Offspring, and everything else in between. However, I usually draw the line at Screamo music. It makes me cringe and I can’t make out any of the words. But I bet if I were to listen to this genre of music instead of taking finals, at the end of the hour I would understand and know all the words to one song.
4. Go to the dentist.
I’ve never been afraid of the dentist, and I find the chairs rather comfortable. What is uncomfortable is the fact that the doctors try to have conversations with you while your mouth is wide open. They unintentionally poke you with their sharp little toys, and when you wince, they ask you not to move. At this point in life, I would rather bleed from my gums for a little bit then be stuck in front of my computer.
5. Suffer through period pains without medication.
Man, Mother Nature can be so cruel to women. There’s bloating, cramping, and back pain that can shoot up and down your legs. I would much rather lay in bed in pain than study, at least I’d be snuggled up in bed.