Becoming a puppy parent is a huge commitment. Raising a puppy can be just as stressful as raising a baby. The tiny fluffy puppy that stole your heart can easily turn into a tiny little monster that makes you want to pull your hair out no matter how much you love them. Your life is about to change forever.
1. Stay Woke.
Kiss your sleep goodbye. You better pray that you are a morning person because your new alarm goes off before the sun comes up. Your puppy will also want to play every. single. hour.
2. You'll Become Your Pup's Personal Janitor.
Potty training can be stressful and until your puppy is trained, be prepared to find pee everywhere. Everywhere is a bathroom!
3. Teeth So Sharp They Can Cut Diamonds
Puppy teeth are actually very sharp. Keep bandaids handy because odds are you will be bitten.
4. Everything Is A Chewtoy.
Speaking of sharp teeth, say goodbye to everything you love. Your favorite shoes, your couch; basically anything at puppy height is fair game when it comes to playtime. You will find holes and rips in everything!
5. Cuddle Buddies!
Puppies mean lots of naps. Just like babies, puppies need lots of sleep. Whenever your puppy is asleep hold them tight and snuggle them up.
For every sacrifice, there is double the love. Getting Comet was the best thing that ever happened to me. All of those sleepless nights and smelly poop bags were worth it because he has a special spot in my heart that nobody's love can ever replace.