Through my life, I have made many mistakes. Although these mistakes have seemed embarrassing and sometimes like my life will never be the same, I hold true to the morals of learning from my mistakes and then putting my best foot forward. Every day, I take the chance to improve myself and the actions I take. I want to make my life meaningful and learn every step of the way. By taking the lessons I learn from my mistakes and applying those lessons to my life, I become wiser and more able to navigate the world around me.
A few lessons I have learned over the years are ones that have been hard to comprehend at first, but ones that eventually sink in. The first and one of the most important lessons I have learned from my mistakes is that appreciating family is important. One of my many mistakes came from not realizing this before an accident took place in my family. This happened fairly recently in my life and I won’t go into details, but it was traumatic. The trauma of this accident led to me cherishing every moment with my family because I never knew how quickly life could change. It is a classic lesson to learn but one that doesn't always settle in the mind and heart until you get older. It also sunk into my mind more when I left home for college and did not have as much of a chance to see my family. I realize now that anything can happen and if you don't live fully or forgive and forget, then life can pass you by quickly.
The second lesson is one of more forgiveness. Forgiving is a powerful lesson to learn. If you can forgive those who have wronged you, then you will live a happier life. It is a simple lesson but also one that may take a long time to learn. Learning to forgive is not easy and it can sometimes take a lifetime to do. By realizing that not all people are on the same path as you, the act of forgiveness becomes easier. If one realizes this, then they can put acts of wrong doing into perspective. Just because a person wrongs you, doesn't mean it is meant to hurt you. If they are living a different life and are on a different path than you, their path may not agree with yours. Realize this and do not take the wrong doing personally.
A third and final life lesson is to take in every moment. By living the bad, you learn to appreciate the good. Without the bad we would have no good. Time goes by quickly and especially as you get older. It is important to appreciate those around you because people come and go. It is important to appreciate the moments you live, because those go quickly too. Live the best life you can and live it to the fullest by being present.
These tips may seem simple but can take a lifetime to learn. They are incredibly useful though and will help bring happiness into your life and into the lives of others. When you can appreciate, take the time to analyze situations and forgive if need be, and then be present in any moment, you will live your full life and be happier with the results. This wisdom I have taken in along the way is all wisdom that is good to pass along. It is wisdom that is useful if you can take it in. Live fully and live happy.