2. The Swelling Will Not Go Down As Quickly As You Think | The Odyssey Online
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To Everyone Who Got Their Wisdom Teeth Out This Summer, I FEEL YOU And I Wish I Knew These Things Beforehand

When your face swells to twice it's size and the doctor prescribes you Tylenol

To Everyone Who Got Their Wisdom Teeth Out This Summer, I FEEL YOU And I Wish I Knew These Things Beforehand
Ah the rite of passage for young adulthood: wisdom teeth removal surgery. Whenever I visit home my parents bombard me with doctors appointments, dentist check ups, and mandatory hair cuts, but this summer there was an extra surprise. Needless to say I was annoyed, but also kind of excited to sit on the couch and eat ice cream of a few days.

However, there is a few things I wish I knew beforehand.


I just assumed I would be loopy for a few days. I never once considered being in actual pain. Who would have thought? Also, most dentists these days don’t prescribe strong pain medicines anymore so I was just stuck with a fat face and Tylenol.

2. The Swelling Will Not Go Down As Quickly As You Think

“Should I get my wisdom teeth out three days before I leave for summer camp?” “Sure! It will be fine”

*narrator voice* “But little did she know, it would not be fine.

I love meeting new people in a lot of pain and a face that looked like I got stung by a swarm of bees!

3. You Really Only Get To Eat Ice Cream For One Day

I thought I would be eating cold soft food for a week. I stocked up on ice cream and yogurt and asked friends to bring me a constant supply of milkshakes. Little did I know that is only a one day perk! After Day 1 you are suppose to start eating hot foods and things that require you to chew. Personally I wasn’t pissed, but my health was releaved.


Ok no kissing is probably a good rule of thumb for a few reasons after wisdom teeth surgery but one of them is definitely your breath. It is gross, and I get it. Brushing you teeth is painful and you really can’t get to the places that you need to the most. I understand and I feel you, but wow my breath was gross.

If you haven’t gotten your wisdom teeth out yet, start brain storming ways to keep your breath minty fresh. You can thank me later

Almost a month later and the swelling is GONE, my mouth doesn't hurt, and I can properly brush my teeth (yippee!). However, I might be a little bit of a diva because I only had one wisdom tooth to remove. #blessed #wisdomTOOTHsurgery

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