Since today is my 21st birthday, I thought I should reflect on what 21 years has taught me…
1.Know where your identity lies.
In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my Light and Strength. Society does not define me, my friends and family do not define me. What the Lord says about me is Truth. I am made in His image, I am His child and the opinions of man are meaningless in comparison to the worth of being found in Christ.
2. Don't be a people pleaser.
It’s draining and exhausting. There’s a difference between serving others and striving to please them- service comes from a truly caring heart. Do not get the two confused. Pleasing others is rooted in our insecurities in our own abilities.
3.You will never find satisfaction by living for yourself.
We live in a self-centered society. We constantly browse self-help articles, books, videos, etc. The hard truth is that Christ commands us to die to ourselves, to take up our cross and follow Him, to do life with Him and for Him. When we take the focus off of our own problems and shortcomings and focus on the cross and what Christ has already done for us, we find true satisfaction in unity with His Spirit!4.We were made for relationships and community.
Don’t isolate yourself. You were not made to live alone. Seek healthy relationships that encourage you to grow.
5. Surround yourself with those who sharpen your character
I can’t adequately express how grateful I am for the best of friends the Lord's has put in my life over the years. Some friendships might have been for a season, while some have endured years alongside me. What stands out to me about my closest friends is the way they have sharpened me. They know who I am, but also who I have the potential to be. They are quick to call me out in love, but also feed into my passions and interests. These kinds of friendships don’t always happen quickly. You have to be intentional to choose your friends wisely and invest the time to get to know them so they can also know you.
6. Meet others where they are at
Be all things to all people, but for their benefit, not yours. Be a listener, a comforter, an interceder, a reconciler, etc.
7. Momma's always right
Yep, this one’s for you, mom. Whether she’s your biological mother or “second mom”, everyone has that motherly figure in their life that knows them better than anyone else. They tell you what you don’t want to hear, but rather what you need to hear. In the moment, you may refuse to believe them, but sooner or later you realize they were right all along.
8. Rest is necessary
By default, I am a doer. I thrive in business and productivity. However, I have had many seasons of burn out due to the fact that I do not set aside time to truly rest. Rest is a time where you can just be, not do. It should be a time where you are refreshed whether that be in the form of sleep, exercise, painting, reading, catching up with friends, etc. Intentionally set aside time to rest throughout the week.
9. Fill yourself up to pour back out
This is crucial to avoiding not only burnout, but also enforcing rest. It is only through abiding in Christ that I am able to be filled with the fruit of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, etc. This is my source. If I am trying to draw from any other source than Christ and His word, I will have nothing of worth to truly pour out. What I pour out will be rooted in myself and that is simply dirty, contaminated water. May I be filled up each day and poured out by the end so that I am completely empty and ready to go back to the Source again.
10. Know and pursue your passions!
What sets your soul on fire? What ignites you to action? What brings you fulfillment? Identify your passions and run towards them. Passion leads to us to live with purpose. Don’t know your purpose in life? It might help to first to list out your passions.
11.Get out of your comfort zone
Don’t stay comfortable, that’s boring. Pursue the things that scare you a little bit, but will grow and expand you in the end. You can never reach a point of arrival. You keep moving, you keep growing.
12.Work Hard
It’s simple. Don’t be lazy with your gifts, your talents, your time. Push yourself, persevere, and don’t give up just because something is challenging.
13. Manage your time well
Every single person has been given the same time span of twenty-four hours in a day. Saying you do not have time is not a valid excuse. You make time for what you prioritize. Determine your top priorities and commit to following through with your commitments. Don’t overbook yourself. Spread yourself deep, not thin.
14. Be honest
Be honest with yourself, with God, and with others. Be honest about your intentions and your desires. Do not live like someone you are truly not. Live with integrity even when others are not watching.
15. Admit your weaknesses and failures
Personally, this is the hardest lesson I’ve learned. I struggle with wanting to act like I have it all together. I want to know the answers to every problem. I want to be strong for everybody. But, I have learned that admitting my weaknesses and failures allows me to show the power and strength of the Lord’s redemption in my life. If I say I’ve never failed or struggled, I am lying and robbing God of His glory.
16. I am broken AND I am healed
Isn’t that the truth!! I’ve had many dark nights, moments of weakness, failures, uncertainties, but wow has my Jesus healed me!
17. There is purpose to every part of our story and it's meant to be shared
This speaks for itself. But remember you are not the hero of your story- it’s all for His Kingdom’s sake.
18. Every season has a purpose and should not be wasted.
This goes along with the last one. Just because you might be in a dry season, a quiet season, or a season of uncertainty, don’t waste it. Seek the Lord, learn more about Him and yourself through it all. You may not understand the purpose of a season until years later, but trust that He is faithful.
19. Never underestimate the power of prayer
What a privilege to go before the Father because He has made a way through His Son. What an honor to be made blameless before Him so that I can communicate in relationship with Him. What an honor to intercede on the behalf of others. Pray Scripture, pray truth over yourself every day so that you will be equipped to go to war with the world.
20. T R A V E L
This is one of my favorite hobbies. There’s something exciting about adventuring to a new place, interacting with a different culture, and seeing things you’ve never encountered before. Whether it is traveling an hour car ride away or a twelve-hour plane ride, take every opportunity you are given to see the world.