13 Places To Go For Your Ultimate Wisconsin Summer Road Trip | The Odyssey Online
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13 Places To Go For Your Ultimate Wisconsin Summer Road Trip

Grab your sunglasses, bag of cheese curds and some pals and let's go road trippin'!

13 Places To Go For Your Ultimate Wisconsin Summer Road Trip
Mikayla Kelz

I’m sure we’ve all dreamt of an amazing road trip with our friends; jamming out to "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts, hiking around in the unknown, and sleeping underneath the stars. What if I told you that you didn’t need to drive twenty-hours just to get those stunning photo ops? The perfect summer road trip is right in the state of Wisconsin; from beautiful outdoor scenery to hiking, aquatic fun and lots more.

The Wisconsin road trip loop is approximately 946 miles in relative distance to each location.

Here is a perfect week vacation without the hassle of being too far away. Just jump into the loop on the nearest destination and hold on for one energetic Wisconsin loving adventure!

1.Mary Nohl Art Environment

This house is said to be owned by a witch, now abandoned. She decorated and created large ceramic statues in and outside of her house. It is one of the most unique houses decorated with art, especially by women. There are many legends about Mary Nohl, from killing children to the mystery of the lifelike art outside the home.

2. Wisconsin State Capitol

Madison is gorgeous in the summertime. Enjoy State Street and a good summer meal at the food trucks around the Capitol as you come to visit. Beautiful red, orange and yellow flowers are planted around the Capitol at this time. The Capitol lawn is also a good place to sit and read a book. Tours of the building take place during the summer time as well.

3. The House on the Rock

It is truly the secret of Southwestern Wisconsin. Made in the late 1960’s it includes many exhibits, interactive musical contraptions, fortune tellers, a merry-go-round, infinity room, and of course the House on the Rock which is an actual functional house. It is the perfect summer day as you can also enjoy ice cream, go into the garden, and shop around. Created by Alex Jordan, it exceeds many of the rules of architecture.

4. American Players Theatre

Located near the House on the Rock in Spring Green, this outdoor amphitheater is a great place to see a classic play and even Shakespeare. Before the show, you can enjoy a picnic, at the outdoor picnic tables scattered around the gorgeous piece of land.

5. Devil’s Lake State Park

A place to hike, swim and camp; Devil's Lake is a great summer destination to be outside and overlook the trees and lake. Some of the local favorite trails are the East Bluff Trail and Tumbled Rocks Trail.

6. Dr. Evermor’s Forevertron

It’s weird that the world’s largest scrap metal sculpture would be in central Wisconsin, but it’s breathtaking. Some of the statues are up to twenty feet tall. The sculpture takes on a futuristic rustic town scene.

7. Wisconsin Dells

Home of the numerous water parks, the Dells is an interactive attraction. Downtown is home to numerous tourist shops, Ripley’s Believe it or Not, Wizard Quest and many restaurants. If you’re feeling like doing something truly Wisconsin-like you can take a Wisconsin Duck Ride, in a vehicle that is both a boat and car.

8. Grandad Bluff

A gorgeous hiking trail in LaCrosse gives an overview of the entire city.

9. Dells Mill and Museum

Almost as old as the state of Wisconsin, this water-powered mill was very important to farmers during the civil war. This mill and later on dam became iconic as a Historic Landmark and building for many residents in the surrounding area.

10. Amnicon Falls State Park

In Douglas County there is a beautiful place to watch the water flow and even go skinny dipping. There is a little-covered bridge that goes over the falls as well.

11. Apostle Island National Lakeshore

You’ll most likely have to take a boat to the island, but it is well worth the ride. Right on Lake Superior and home to the famous ice caves in the winter time, the Apostle Island Lakeshore is the gem of Wisconsin. There is camping, hiking and festivities available on the island.

12. Bay Beach Amusement Park

A good place to let loose and enjoy all the amenities of a summertime fair, this park includes a roller coaster, game, concessions, and a view of a river as your side the roller coasters and Ferris wheel.

13. Cana Island Lighthouse

A lighthouse that is over 140 years old stands on the edge of Lake Michigan. This lighthouse area is also home to the Door County Maritime Museum. While there you can also enjoy all the amenities of Door County and its luscious forests, camping and summertime magic.

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