It's been an incredible winter in Iowa so far; so incredible that it reached 70 degrees in the middle of February. That's right. Where did the winter go? Nonetheless; we're all pretty stoked with the early spring- lets enjoy it while it lasts.
1. Check the temperature
Say what? It can't really be this warm in Iowa in the middle of winter, can it?
2. Walk without the fear of snow
This can't be happening. Surely there will be a blizzard a week from now.
3. Soak in the 70 degree rays
Spring came early and there's so much to do; go hiking, rollerblading, and pet dogs.
4. Get out the shorts
But since it's still winter and they don't sell any, you may have to resort to making some.
5. And the Birkenstocks
Both with and without socks, because winter boots are overrated.
6. And enjoy it while it lasts
Who knows when the next snow storm will be? Let's enjoy this while it lasts...
7. Pretend that summer is truly around the corner
Because this weather is too nice to NOT enjoy, and you know what they say...
8. Ignorance is bliss
This is totally normal, not un-heard of or unprecedented, and global warming is totally not a real thing.