You really never realize how much you took for granted about being in high school during the winter... Once you get to college, it becomes a whole new world known as the Arctic... Sometimes you swear you see penguins walking to class with you, but then you realize that they are just other students waddling to class in all of their layers. Every day you pray for that cancellation email, but the only university emails you receive in the mornings are the ones about random events on campus... talk about a tease. Here is how winter differs from high school to college.
High School: Yes, you can wear that Denali North Face and be completely warm.
College: Yeah you can wear that Denali over three layers, under your long parka, with a scarf, and two pairs of gloves.
High School: Uggs are great for the few inches of snow you have to deal with.
College: Wear Uggs and they will be ruined within 10 minutes of your walk, and your feet will be frozen. You really need to invest in a pair of good winter, snow boots.
Walking to class:
High School: Not an issue at all, being that all of your classes are in one building.
College: You have 10 minutes to get to the opposite side of campus, while facing the arctic winds, snow blowing in your face, and trying not to slip on ice to prevent falling on your ass.
How to dress:
High School: Go ahead, you can dress cute.
College: Layers, on layers, on layers... Don't even think about dressing cute, because your warmth is more important.
High School: Brush off the little bit of snow on your car, and start your car with no issue.
College: If you don't start your car every day, your battery is done for....
Getting up early:
High School: Not that big of a deal, the cold doesn't really bother you.
College: *Rolls over to look at phone's weather app* *Rolls back over because staying in your warm, safe bed sounds a lot better than venturing into the Arctic to get to your 8 a.m.*
Thoughts that cross your mind while walking to class:
High School: Wow, these hallways are crowded...
College: I really need a dog sled team, or a snowmobile, and maybe five more layers.
Snow days:
High School: Below freezing? Cold Day. Five inches of snow? Snow Day.
College: What are those?
Stay warm my friends!