When you walk outside and the crisp winter air bites your nose, the air smells fresh and the overcast is just right. Wrapped up all cozy in your plaid blanket scarf and your tall riding boots, you brace yourself as you take that first step out of the door to check the steps for ice, once you find it clear you dash to your car as quickly as possible. Once in your car, you spend 15 minutes getting the ice off your car, and you trudge on to do your holiday shopping; this is how you know that the winter season is finally here (unless you live in Virginia, then literally anything is possible).
Winter is my favorite season for a number of reasons, the main one being the fashion, but there are a plethora of things I love most about the Winter.
The clothes you wear in the Winter involve nice warm colors that seamlessly have the ability to go with the outside scenery. You have the ability to layer your clothes so you are always as optimal temperature and finally it is SO easy to dress cute and in fashion. If I want to wear a giant sweater, I just add that giant plaid blanket scarf to it and call it a day I know I am still walking out of the house in something cute yet optimizing my comfort level.
Another reason I love the Winter season is that the holidays fall right at the beginning of it. One of the most iconic parts of the holidays for me personally is the snow, even though it rarely happens for me, I think snow is one of the most beautiful things (lets be clear, this snow I am talking about is just enough to coat the grass and still have the roads just icy enough for my professors not to want to drive in it. Just kidding, but I definitely am NOT talking about the type of snow that the north gets, that it just taking it way to far). As much as I love the beach, I could NEVER spend Christmas somewhere tropical, it just wouldn’t feel right.
The cold weather also makes and ideal excuse to stay inside, bundle up, grab a cup of hot tea and binge watch Gilmore Girls, Fuller House, or the show I am currently on, Glee. I am always up for a good excuse to do this.
The worst part about the Winter is when all the people who had been begging for it because the summer was too hot or the fall weather wasn’t right now complain about they are ready for it to be over with already. Here in Virginia, I would say we have it pretty good. We get our cold fix in the morning and it warms up by the afternoon, but go anywhere north of us and it is by far not the case. The cold we get here is non comparable!
Sit back, grab that blanket, make yourself some coco, look for a TV series, bundle up on that couch, find yourself a decent scarf, a good pair of boots, and buckle up because Winter is finally here and I am so excited for it!