It seems like winter weather in New York always comes quicker than we expect it to. Summer comes to an end, fall weather lasts for a brief three seconds, and then we feel the brisk air of winter coming. I've lived in New York my entire life so this is not my first rodeo and I can definitely tell you winter can suck sometimes. Most people hate the snow, the cool breeze, and the dreary winter season but it's all so much more than that! There are more reasons to love the winter season than to hate it, think about the holidays and being able to overload on carbohydrates (thanks for coming to an end bikini season). Here are my fifteen beautiful reasons on why winter is my favorite season.
1. Layering.
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Winter is the only time you can layer all your favorite clothes into one outfit! Add a scarf, a sweater, a flannel, and a coat while still looking put together.
2. Winter drinks.
For all the Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts addicts, winter is the best time for hot drinks. Hot cocoa, salted caramel lattes, hot apple cider, can life get any better?
3. Snow!
How could anyone hate the prettiest part of winter? Build a snowman, have a snowball fight, or just enjoy the view. Sometimes getting snowed in is the best part of winter.
4. Christmas lights.
What's a better way to get into the Christmas spirit? Take a walk past Rockefeller Center in Manhattan to feel the magic around Christmas time.
5. Snuggling up next to the person you love.
What's better than snuggling and Elf?
6. Warm clothes.
Mittens, scarves, wool socks, and sweaters? I want to wear all of you. Come right this way!
7. Curling up in bed with a good magazine or book.
Just giving you another reason to be lazy and never want to get out of bed. (PS you might finish an entire series of books if you do this, I'm totally guilty of this.)
8. Holiday parties.
Everyone's favorite party of the year, the ugly Christmas sweater party! Nothing like wearing a funny, vintage, or just plain hideous ugly Christmas sweater to win some prizes. (Or just to go to the party for the free food, also guilty.)
9. Traveling.
For the winter holiday season, most people have a little bit of time off from work or school. Winter break is the perfect vacation for a cabin retreat. Visit a ski resort or a snowboarding lodge with your loved ones and relax for the weekend. Make sure you don't forget your ski's and lots of warm clothes!
10. Dogs in sweaters.
You've got to be a really evil human to not love everything about this. I'll take ten dogs in sweaters please.
11. Comfort food.
Comfort foods most popular day, Thanksgiving. The best winter holiday besides Christmas. Please pass the mashed potatoes, biscuits, stuffing, and everything that's unhealthy because I want it all.
12. Christmas!
My favorite day in winter is Christmas. Everything leading up to Christmas makes me love winter even more. Christmas carols, getting caught under the mistletoe, candy canes, ginger bread houses, stockings, and especially Christmas morning (the only morning of the year I don't mind getting up for).
13. New Years!
New Years kisses, New Years resolutions, and the change of pace for the New Year is always refreshing.
14. Giving back.
There's plenty of ways to give to people to make them have a wonderful Christmas. Operation Christmas Child is an organization to bless Christmas presents to children in need around the world. Toys for tots is also another program you can be involved in, it gives toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them presents.
15. Being grateful for what you have.
Although you should be grateful every day and not just the holiday season, winter is a reminder that home is where the heart is.