It is now a fluctuating January storm here where I live.
It seems as though my dream of a biting December cold went by much to fleetingly.
A dream of past December Christmas's envelope my mind with picturesque snow.
That of which nips at your nose and clouds the throbbing sun.
A flurry dancing on pleated tails of the gushing winds that knock strong pillared trees against your door.
Inviting them inside would be a poor choice for your spotless decor.
How my shiny black rain boots could crunch on white blankets of frost.
Jumping around in my careless excitement one’s mind could surely be lost.
Blackened echo’s imprinted in my mediocre wake are the only evidence of my existence.
Frost creeps and seeps inside my boots to warm itself.
Snuggled deep into my layers of colored socks, it melts.
Inside my heated home, my feet will feel the licks of fire dancing against my bare skin.
But in the silent reaches of the cold I am thankful I took such measures as extra layers.
Although I know it will pierce my hands to the bones,
I remove my new cherry red mittens.
Regret, as wind and ice replace the warm cotton.
My soul begins to sing in unison with the high reaches of the clouds that let loose their snowflake bounty.
"Oh how the people will fall so swiftly.
How we all will fall one day.
Uniquely designed from the heavens above
Till we are joined with the earth to become one with the elements."
Patiently waiting I slow myself to a perfect halt,
I wait silently till I my eyes connect with a snowflake as perfect as me.
Extending my hand to the length it can go
I stretch up on the tips of my toes to catch this crystalized swirl.
It’s cold and soft, fragile and brittle though beautiful indescribable by words.
Pure as the soul at birth,
A reflection so clear a mirrored image of yourself can be seen in the thin lines that now melt away from the warmth of your core
How cold you can seem on the surface, while your own soul contains a fire unparalleled.
Slowly as my breath begins to quicken and spasm
My aching feet begin to numb and swell up
I realize layers of golden and pink aura’s are touching the surface of my kingdom.
Behind me the world’s blackness threatens to swallow us whole.
The light fleeting among the bumpy horizon.
Could it abandon me now to be sacrificed to the dark night,
Though I know her light will reach upon me in the morn.
Moonlight and sunlight kiss for one last aching moment,
And the world is once more hibernated till reborn.
Her night’s majesty laying the sun to rest.
If only December’s Christmas’s held day’s such as these,
The spirit of warmth would be much more of an ease.
But it’s all a dream.
Here where I live we have only the sun, baking the crusty earth till a timer says it’s done.
As though the heaven were creating war, the skies may cry out of the blue
As though they have lost dear love in the growing pursuit.
But only for a moment may we share in their pain,
Till the skies clear for the sun to reign.
Although I complain about the ways of the world,
Complain about matters out of my control,
I am beyond thankful I live where I live.
Friends around the corner to enjoy such sunshine with.
Splashing pools to chill our tingling toes.
Wind grasping for our hair as we drive down windy roads.
I wish for a December equal to its name,
But I love December in the land I was made.