Last week, I shared some GiFs to depict the first part of winter break for college students: a time filled with excitement and relaxation. Here is part two of “Winter Break as Told by GIFs."
Stage I: The Holiday Season
1. When it is the day before Christmas and you still have a plethora of gifts to purchase
3. When you eat so much within a short period of time you feel sick, but you keep eating more anyway
4. When you get a strange gift that you probably will never use, but pretend it is the best gift ever
5. When you have no one to kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve/ morning at 12 am
Stage 2: Post- Holiday Season
1. When you realize that all the holiday eating added up and now you need to hit the gym hard; however, after 10 minutes on a machine you just want to stop
2. When everyone in your family goes back to work and school so you have a dance party around your house
3. When you can’t seem to find anything to help you feel less bored
4. When you get the sudden urge to do something productive so you look for internship opportunities, only to realize you are immensely underqualified for almost all of them.
Stage 3: Visiting Your High School:
1. When you run into your favorite teacher, whom you haven’t seen since graduation
2. When you see that teacher or old classmate that you really would prefer to avoid
3. When you run out of things to talk about in a conversation with a high school peer.
Stage 4: Last Days of Winter Break:
1. When you realize you need to start getting on an earlier schedule
2. When you start looking at the cost of textbooks for next semester