It is that time of year again. The week we have been waiting for all semester. The start of winter break. Those words sound so sweet and comforting, yet we still have another semester to turn around to. But hey, we did it! We finished all 15 weeks of hell and even took finals without dying, at least until our parents find our grades.
Now that it is winter break and we can finally relax, what is it that us college kids actually do over break? We try to sleep, until our parents come in and harass us to go find a job and make money. While money sounds nice, I am still recovering from that microeconomics final. Then we find ourselves staying up all night like the insomniacs we have been the entire semester, whether it was up studying or out late at the bars. With all this time we spend awake at night, we might as well go out, right? But soon we find ourselves very bummed out that not everything is walking distance, or even worse, our parents have become all in our business, which is something college kids forget about when they are away for so many weeks.
While winter break has been such a big anticipation, we forget we actually love school. Not technically the school part, but the fact school is home. School has become a very fond place we hold very close to our hearts. We leave that place for a month, and soon find out winter break is boring and we miss everyone and everything.
College has become almost 90 percent of living how we want, and the other 10 percent is school. Maybe some weeks it's the opposite, like finals week. But all in all, we actually grow to love school. Being someone who hated high school and never wanted to continue an education, college changes that. It gives you different feelings towards school academically and mentally. College gives you a second chance that you missed in high school. There are more people to fit in with, different groups on campus, and lecture halls are definitely different than high school classes.
So the end of the semester seemed great all the way up until it actually happened. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond ecstatic finals are over and I have no classes for a month, but the home feeling is missing. The anticipation of being welcomed back home in Athens is what makes the feeling all better. Waiting is long, but worth it to venture back to such an amazing place.