Waking Up
A nice and early wake up time of 8 or 9 isn't that difficult when the night before you went to bed around 10 PM after a crazy night of Netflix and snacks.
Checking Social Media
I'll only mention this once, but we all know that the same rotation of checking Snapchat, Instagram, and then Facebook happens every 10 minutes when you have nothing to do all day.
Making A Bomb Breakfast
It's not like you have anywhere to be so you can take all the time you want making that insane avocado toast you saw on Instagram the other day. Bonus points because this culinary masterpiece can count as your one productive thing for the day.
Binge Watching TV
Watching Netflix all day is a staple in anyones routine over break, but you can spice it up by doing some sort of hobby while watching How I Met Your Mother for the 6th time. I personally prefer crocheting or knitting.
Rising From The Ashes
There's only so many hours you can spend in a dark room staring at a screen so it's time to move. You dress yourself for a workout, but let's be real, you're just going to be doing some light stretching then take a shower. It's the thought that counts though.
Before you know it, it's dinner time, and your parents make you step outside of your bubble that is your room to have dinner with them. The topic of conversation is most definitely them not liking your new hibernation schedule.
Once you get back in bed and into your favorite sweatpants, you realize it's around 9 PM so it's pretty much time to go to sleep. You snuggle up in bed with some Netflix (a different show this time, variety is key), maybe a little Candy Crush and PTFO.