It seems like Winter Break started years ago, but think back to December when you couldn't be more excited to come home and see your family and old high school friends. More importantly, you could sleep in your own bed and didn't have to set an alarm any time before noon. But the reality of Winter Break is a little different than your expectations, and the longer you're home, the more ready you are to get back to school.
1. The day you leave school:
You haven't been without your new best friend for more than a week and you don't know how you're going to handle life without their advice, you make an agreement to talk every day.
2. All you think about is sleep:
After staying up late studying for finals, the one thing on your mind is sleep. The good thing is you can actually sleep in for once, but even after 12 hours of sleep, all you want to do is lay on the couch and binge watch all of the shows you missed.
3. Your parents cook for you:
After months and months of cafeteria food, you've almost forgotten what a home cooked meal tastes like.
4. You catch up with all of your friends:
After much hugging you finally calm down enough to talk to your friends about everything that happened since Thanksgiving break.
5. It's finally Christmas:
It's the day you have been waiting for, where you stuff yourself with every type of cookie in sight.
6. You're hyped up on all of that Christmas money:
You can admit it, the gifts you got for Christmas were awesome, and you were especially excited about any cash you got from the relatives. You're ready to online shop the holiday deals, but then you remember you don't have a job...
7. But your parents are done spoiling you:
You haven't unpacked all of the clothes you brought home so your room is starting to look like a war zone. The lazy spoiled lifestyle is coming to an end but you really aren't ready to do anything.
8. And now your parents go back to your work and your forced to fend for yourself:
All of the food is gone in the house and you don't know what to do. You've had cookies and candy canes for lunch the past two days so you try to make your own food.
9. But its New Year's Eve and you are ready:
You are excited to see everyone, and you are expecting to do a lot of dancing and a lot of smiling...
10. How you actually feel on New Year's:
You imagined being ready to dance all night, but you haven't been around this many people since college and it's all a little overwhelming.
11. It's time to start packing up all of the things you brought home:
You have dreaded this day since you got home. For some reason you thought over break you would be wearing nice clothes like you did at school, but the only clothes that have been worn are your pajamas and sweatpants so you have a lot to do...
12. You arrive back on campus:
After unpacking the first thing you do is find out where and what your friends are doing so you can tell them everything about your break.
13. But then you remember you have class and have to wake up:
You forgot that you have an 8:30 a.m. class and haven't woken up before lunch time in a month, and you are not ready at all.
All in all, Winter Break was the perfect time to catch up on sleep and good food. You may have been raving about leaving school, but you also couldn't be happier to be back with all of your new best friends.