Even as a little girl, I had something that I had to do that was due by the time I got back to school. Middle school was starting or finishing up a science fair project, man it's been years since I've done one, for my class. High school, each year was a combination of something that I had to do before I got back to school, but I am actually kind of happy that it wasn't anything finals related since we took them before we go on winter break. I remembered freshman year was a world history project, sophomore year was a geometry project or chemistry work, junior year was a thick physics packet, and senior year was the big senior project which was the next draft for my 8-10 page research paper.
Now that I am in college, once finals are over, I won't have to do any type of work or project over the break that's due by the time I'm back in school. The only thing that I have to do is buy textbooks for all five out of six of my classes...yay. At least I have like a whole month until I have to buy them.
My first semester of college wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, but I know that as you keep going into the next semester and afterwards, it may get more challenging, but I'll be prepared for it. My next semester schedule isn't terrible, but it is classes back to back from 9-11 with my day being done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:50 and Tuesday and Thursday at 11:45. No more night classes for me, until next semester or the one after that.
Being home for a month is going to be the best thing ever. Two weeks of winter break just didn't feel long enough depending on the placement of Christmas and New Years Day. Now I have a month, and there are so many things I need to catch up on. Besides sleep being the number one priority since my sleep schedule is all out of wack, there are some anime and k-dramas that I can start and probably finish or catch up in the matter of days or two weeks at most. And lastly, with me being a bookworm buying so many books, I can start and hopefully finish a few by the time I go back to school.
With my love for k-pop, so many groups that I am a fan of are releasing Christmas albums so I have a lot of Christmas songs to listen besides the classics. Plus, they love to release so many albums and with me being the broke college student that I am, I can't buy any of them. I already bought one of my favorite group, Season Greetings, last month and now all of the other groups are releasing theirs now. It's a sad day as I hope for them to put their songs on Spotify.
To wrap up this long drabble, I hope everyone enjoys their winter break, no matter how long it is, and have a Happy Holidays as we enter the year 2017!