Many of us are at the point of winter break where we question what the break is meant to be and what there is to do. For many of us, it is too cold to leave the house and the thought of bundling up is just too much work. So why not try some of these ideas down below?
1. Watch Parks And Recreation
Or just any show really, but with the student deal Spotify has with Hulu for just $4.99 a month, you should start binge watching now since you have nothing else to do. You complain all semester you have no time to watch a show, well, now you do so get your butt glued to the couch.
2. Plan Your Spring Break Trip
Why not spend your current break to plan your next break? Have you even figured out where to go? With who? To do what? If you answered no to all these then what exactly are you doing? Lay out those blueprints right now!
3. Read Michelle Obama's Book "Becoming"
Honestly you can read any book but let us be real here, Michelle's book is a must right now. I personally love it so much and I haven't even finished it yet. Join the cult of people posting their new book on their Snapchat and Instagram stories.
4. Learn A New Recipe
Why not try cooking something new? There are millions of recipes online for you to find. Try to not burn the kitchen down and cook something yummy (or burnt).
5. Get A Crayola Adult Coloring Kit
My Secret Santa gave me one this year and I love it so much. It is relaxing and a good way to wind down with some music. You can find lots of packs on Amazon for a pretty good price. It is definitely something everyone should buy.
6. Start A Budgeting Plan For The New Year
We all love money, we all just need to know how to save it. Start a budget plan for the new year and set a goal amount of money you would like to have at the end of the year. It is definitely a satisfaction having all that money saved at the end of the year.
7. Start Researching Workout Plans (And Stick To Them)
Going to the gym for a month is not enough, so let us try to go all year and see some progress with our health.