The dreaded week of finals is coming to an end in the near future, and during those stressful days of studying all of us have only one thing on our minds – winter break. Whether you’re ecstatic to be at home and as far away from the campus diner as possible, or you’re already pumped for next semester, chances are that at some point you won't know what to do with yourself for five whole weeks away from school. As a freshman, I personally have yet to experience a college winter break, but I anticipate that those few weeks back at home will go something like this:
1. When you finally finish your last project and devote your last ounce of energy to celebration.
2. Looking through your closet, wondering what to leave and what to take, and getting all kinds of stressed out.
3. When nothing beats being reunited with your bed.
4. Finally seeing all your friends from home who go to school miles away.
5. When all of a sudden you start thinking about your responsibilities…
6. And then remember at least some of them can wait until next semester.
7. You have to catch up on all your favorite TV shows…
8. Even if it means going to bed at an ungodly hour, or just not sleeping at all.
9. You will probably eat all of the food in the house…
10. And then you might decide to compensate by getting in a good workout, or at least putting in your best effort.
11. Unfortunately, you’re bound to run into some less-than-pleasant people you went to high school with.
12. But as usual, you kill them with kindness.
13. Winter break is a great time to catch up on a good book or learn more about a topic that interests you.
14. You might even be able to squeeze in a winter class, complete some applications for an internship, or think about your future plans.
15. You'll calculate the money you can afford to spend next semester and wonder whether you can afford to eat anywhere else but the dining hall.
16. When it’s time to go back to college, the thought of leaving your friends is too much to bear.
17. But when you get back to school, you know that spring semester is going to be the best one yet!
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