Coming home for break can be good and bad. You finished your last final, packed your suitcases (i.e. bags of dirty laundry), and ready to make the long drive home. The next two weeks are filled with Netflix binge-watching, sleeping until noon, and the one day a year where you wake up at 7 a.m. and are happy about it. Chandler gets it. He always gets it.
When you have an exam on the last day of finals:
The moment you finish your last final and get to go home:
When you come home to your nice and cozy bed:
When you eat the entire fridge and the entire jar of Christmas cookies:
And then your extended family comes in town:
And Grandma Lou starts kissing on you:
And they start asking about college:
And then ask if you've been seeing anyone:
Does it count if I see him Thursday through Sunday at 2 a.m?