We've all experienced seasonal depression in some form or another. Regardless of its cause - cold weather, lack of sunlight, or the lack of greenery - many will agree that the winter months can become a drag and it can be easy to get in a slump. Here are six easy ways to keep your mood and productivity up this winter!
Decorate your space
Bring some lively colors into your dorm room, apartment, or house by decorating. Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day are right around the corner! If you're on a budget, check out Target, the dollar store, or even DIY some small things to spruce up your space!
Hang some lights
Part of the reason people are unproductive or more depressed in the winter is that it gets dark so early. I recommend getting additional lights to create a cozier environment and prevent your space from getting too dark when you're trying to get things done!
As famously said by Elle Woods in Legally Blonde : "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don't shoot their husbands!" Getting into a workout routine can help to keep you motivated and in a better mood!
Take study breaks
Isolating yourself and focusing only on homework or studying for hours at a time doesn't help to boost anyone's mood. If you feel yourself starting to fade after a while at your desk or table at the library, take a break. Get up and make a lap around the library or your floor. You can also ask friends to get meals to give yourself something to look forward to and break up your work!
Get a good night's sleep
Being tired and drained doesn't make studying or getting motivated any easier. Starting your day well-rested and ready to get into your activities can put you in a much better mood.
Make some new playlists
Most people listen to music throughout their day, and putting on the right songs can turn your mood and productivity around. Switch up the songs you've been constantly playing for something new. A playlist dedicated solely to motivation with upbeat songs can help you get through that workout or assignment. I also recommend a playlist full of songs that just make you happy or you associate with great memories. Putting that on shuffle when you're down can make you happy in an instant!
Kick seasonal depression to the curb and make this winter your most productive yet!