"New Girl" wouldn't be the same without Winston. He's unpredictable, sassy, and a little too obsessed with his cat, but we wouldn't have him any other way.
Every other character is great, but I don't think people give Winston the credit that he deserves! So, here's to you, Winston Bishop!
1. His pranks range from tickling someone's foot with a feather to crashing a wedding but either way, no one can compare to Prank Sinatra.Â
2. His relationship with Furguson is the best romance on the show, even if it gets a little creepy at times
3. He isn't afraid to show his sassy side
4. He's a child at heart.
5. He takes his hobbies very seriously.
6. He stands up for his friends, no matter how ridiculous it might beÂ
7. He tells you exactly what he thinks.
10. Winston discovering he's color blind three seasons in made us love him even more.
11. He says things everyone can relate to.
12. He gives himself the best nicknames.
13. He can make us laugh without saying a single word.
14. He's sentimental and isn't afraid to show his true emotions.
15. He's unpredictable, you never know what Winston is going to do
16. He is the most supportive friend of the group.
17. Winston always puts 100% into what he does.Â
He might get a little too invested at times, but it's all part of his charm.
18. He makes friends with everyone.
19. He's confident in himself.
20. Winston always has a positive outlook on the situation, no matter how bad it might be
21. He's a true romantic.Â
The only couple better than Winston and Ferguson is Winston and Ally, even though he took so long to propose we were beginning to think it would never happen.