When we think about the goals we set in place, there is always different ways to accomplish them. Whether its that project that's due at work or that big presentation that counts for 30 percent of your grade at the end of the semester- it's always a hassle to deal with. Some people are detailed, organized and like to have everything in check with their schedule. While others are master procrastinators, people who've honed the skill of finishing late and great. Thus, when it comes to goals that are progressive and long-term like weight loss/gain, career building, establishing business brands and networking, these are the 7 ways to create that winning mentality.
1. Self Motivation
GiphyWhen setting progressive goals, it's all about the taking the first step-the giant leap, In order to do this, you have to believe in yourself. Speak your future into existence, envision yourself succeeding, paint that picture and transform it into your favorite quote, set it on your wall so that everyday when you wake up, you remind yourself of where you're heading. Self- motivation is like fuel to the soul, you just have to find the muse that powers you like a V8 engine. It doesn't have to be only a quote, some academics like Professor Gary McPherson of University of Melbourne believe that some types music can motivate the brain to perform at a higher level of functionality.
2. Set weekly or monthly targets
GiphyThe only way to know you're moving forward is to see how far you've come. Thus, by setting and accomplishing targets, you essentially create a progress report that shows the hits and misses of whether you're on the right track or falling off the wagon. On one side this may seem like more work to complete on top of whatever work you have from your boss or school but on the other side, accomplishing these targets are a way to boost your morale and create self-discipline. These traits that you develop from simple progressive goals like never skipping practice or always being 20 minutes early to every meeting might just carry over into your daily life and may even be that quality that turns an internship into a job.
3. Learn from your mistakes and from other's.
GiphyAccepting we're wrong is one thing but learning from our mistakes is the next step. So how does this correlate to winning? Well, it comes down to one word- ethics. Winning isn't always clean but people who win ethically always have more longevity in the game. Whether its that marketing strategy that needs the numbers to dazzle the customers or its the all important race of the season that needs the "juice" to get you to first place. Thinking there's a shortcut to life is our first mistake and that's where we need to learn. Nobody gets it easy but if cheating has anything to learn from its that it always catches up to you- eventually.
4. Learn to lose gracefully so that you can win passionately.
GiphyNobody likes to lose, but losing can either mean your downfall or your opportunity to learn how to win smart and even be prepared not to lose in the same way. Focus on building effective strategies to accomplish goals in a timely manner and if those strategies don't work, then go back to the drawing a board and find a new one. It is through learning from your losses that you become a better winner. Being able to reflect how you can recover and build from failure is attractive to any employer, team or even group of people because you can become the person they look to as an example of grit and perseverance.( This is an important quality of leadership)
5. Treat your work/goals with the highest level of professionalism and integrity.
GiphyThis one is kind of self-explanatory. Wherever you may be, work hard. Be the first to arrive and last to leave, using the first 4 steps, you should have the hunger to deliver only the best and leave anything else for the rest. (See what i did there)
6. Be optimistic
Optimism is often an important tool, it helps fight negativity and it also allows you to see the good in things and people. People are more drawn to optimistic people because they give out a fresh breath of life. An aura of positivity that makes anything seem possible. Thus being optimistic means that even when the odds are stacked up against you to lose, there's still a chance to make it. Often the greatest inventors like the Wright brothers or entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs faced impossible tasks and they did fail repeatedly but, crazy at seems, what kept them going was the constant thought of " i can do it".
7. Believe in the people who believe in you.
Remember that time when you were nervous about a test or a presentation and one of your friends/family told you,"i believe in you, you can do this." Believe them. Any positive encouragement that's given in recognition of your ability should always be taken into account. Why? Because that's simply the world telling you that you are capable- that you have the potential to succeed(don't let it get to your head though). In the end, nobody gets to the top without a bit of encouragement.