As a quick background, I am not too big on Disney movies. I like them once I watch them, but it takes me a while to actually watch them. Thankfully, I was invited to see "Christopher Robin" with some friends, and it was a decision well-made. Below is a list of reasons why.
1. Be Happy Over Little Things
Winnie the Pooh
GiphyWhen Winnie the Pooh is so happy he received his red balloon, it made me think to myself, "You don't need grand gestures in life. Something so small can have so much significance". For instance, whenever I see an airplane in the sky or hear a train coming down the tracks, I get genuinely happy. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I feel like my seven year-old excited self. There's more to life than big things. What is something small that makes you happy?
2. Have Patience With People
One endearing moment that really captured my attention was when the adult Christopher Robin and Pooh enter a gloomy and foggy Hundred Acre Wood. Christopher Robin lost his patience with Pooh Bear and told him to disappear. After that, Pooh did disappear. Later, however, they apologetically reconciled. Pooh says he is "a bear of very little brain". Christopher Robin replies that Pooh has a big heart. Moral of the story is, try and be patient with people. Be kind to people because a little brain doesn't matter if you have a big heart.
3. Focus On What Really Matters
As we grow into adulthood, we get so wrapped up in work and things of little importance to us. We all need to take time and set our priorities high for the things/ones we love. If we lose sight of what really matters in our lives (like Christopher Robin), then ultimately we lose ourselves. Take a moment in your busy day to think about where your priorities are, and if they're in the wrong places, fix it.
4. Love Others And Most Importantly, Love Yourself
Winnie the Pooh is a highly positive and inspiring character. Pooh Bear has a specific love for honey, contributing to him getting stuck in tree trunks and having his friends to pull him out. He doesn't once care or realize, though, that it may have been because he eats too much. Pooh doesn't notice the extra weight, and he is grateful for what he has. When he gets out of bed to start the day, the first thing he does is say good morning to his house and then look at himself in the mirror and ask himself how he is doing. He stretches "up, down, touch[es] the ground", and goes about his day with a nice breakfast (honey of course).
He practices self care which is something a lot of people need to think to do more often! He loves his bigger tummy, and he loves his friends. He is always there for his friends and wants them to be happy. When his friends were gone and he could not find him, he searched all over and even went out of his comfort zone to move forward into the real life to find Christopher Robin and his other friends. He doesn't ever look back, but rather continues to move forward, especially if it's for someone he loves.
5. Never Forget To Play
After watching this movie I realized that I don't remember the last time I actually played. I probably played tag a few years back with some kids at a birthday party, but that was in high school. College has its fun and it keeps me busy, but I haven't used my imagination in so long it feels like. When adult Christopher Robin defeated the imaginary huffalump, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that this workaholic actually is having fun and being his childhood self. As an adult it's super easy to forget about your childhood and leave the past behind. However, we should all get in touch with our childlike selves every once in a while.
If you have not seen this movie yet, I advise you do. Winnie the Pooh is my all-time favorite Disney character (besides Dumbo), and I forgot I even loved them until this movie got me in touch with my childhood. "Christopher Robin" is a movie full of life's truths and inspiration, as long as you listen.