Winners And Losers Of 'Game Of Thrones' Season Six | The Odyssey Online
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Winners And Losers Of 'Game Of Thrones' Season Six

Following the season six finale of "Game of Thrones," there has been so much to digest but also much to discuss.

Winners And Losers Of 'Game Of Thrones' Season Six


As the season finale of our beloved show that has casually turned the everyday man into a fantasy fan "Game of Thrones" comes to a close, we reflect upon season six of this beloved bandwagon show. First came the many changes especially now that the show runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are off the grid and without George R.R. Martin's novels which the series is based off of. With that said, this season has not been without it's ups and downs. So without further ado (and NO RESTRICTIONS ON SPOILERS!), here is Game of Thrones Winners and Losers Season Six Edition!


Jon and Sansa

Jon has been killed and brought back to the brink (but the uncertainty in the beginning was likely more spite than anything else) These two have been through a lot but it's truly something to see the two of them reunited. The ninth episode featuring the epic battle and seeing the Stark banner fly again has been a pure joy. The Starks have been through so much, so to see two of them be able to reclaim their homeland (as we also see the Stark sigil at long last in the opening credits of the finale) has been nothing but satisfying. With the North's allegiance to the Lord and Lady of Winterfell revived, season seven will make the North a force to be reckoned with.

Lady Lyanna Mormont

Admit it: You fell in love with this girl the moment she appeared on screen. She had simply no time to waste on beating around the bush but also presented herself as a leader to her people despite the amount of responsibility that is for someone who is clearly not even old enough to get her driver's permit yet (but in all fairness Robert Baratheon started a rebellion at the age of sixteen so I guess that makes everyone else wonder what they were doing back at that age). However, she also shows that she takes the ways of the North seriously, especially by showing that she honors the ancient vow made between Stark and Mormont in preparation for the Battle of the Bastards. It's also her fiery spirit that brings the other noble lords to their senses when it comes to the future. This was not the real battle; the real battle is between the living and the dead and as Davos said before "the dead are coming". She has become a fan favorite in an instant and quite frankly has left us all wondering, if she had Dany's dragons how soon would this show have ended?

Lady Olenna Tyrell

She had a lot of hardship thrown at her this season, much of it in the name of saving her family. Whether it was attempting to save Margery from her walk of atonement, to reasoning that following religious zealots is not the way to go (more on that later) only to be sent away with a small glimmer of hope that Margery knows what she's doing it's been rough. Of course, nothing was rough than the moment she lost a good portion of her family to Cersei's wildfire trump card. While she may have lost her son and grandchildren (may I remind you her eldest grandson the heir to Highgraden is still alive? Or has he been reduced into a book only character?), but the fact that she can still whip a great line the way she did when she first debuted on the show is what has kept her in our hearts. I have no doubt that her wits will continue to be potent going into season seven and she will still be as entertaining as she was in season two.

Tyrion and Daenerys

Cock your eyebrows all you want, but admit it: these two truly worked like magic when they were featured in their scenes together. In a season where Meereen made every character who visited so unbearable to watch, when these two were on the job they made magic. While the two were separated for sometime during the season, when the two reunited you knew it was a great feeling. The two truly do belong together on screen as we've seen especially during her return to Meereen. It's been very clear that Tyrion was what kept Dany's rage in check especially when she would have rather crucified the slave masters who dared to invade the city in her absence violating the pact Tyrion made with them on her behalf. How long this balance will last is anyone's guess, but we would like to think it will work out in the long run. It appears there are some parallels to another relationship we have heard on screen regarding a certain King and his Hand, but Benioff and Weiss have made it clear that's not the case. I beg to differ...

Arya Stark

This girl has been through so much. She has been through blindness, abuse at the hands of the waif, and a near death experience and chase so engaging, you'll (almost) give her a pass for the poor logic behind her choice to say "Arya out" to the House of Black and White. She reminds us that the one thing that separates surviving from living is the sheer willpower she posses. Her will to live is what has kept her moving forward since her father's demise and it was shown in full force throughout the season. Of course, that does not warrant her a pass for the predictable finale ending in which she finally offs a big name on her list in Walder Frey (yes I know the creators said the timelines are no longer linear to one another, but that just throws off everything else at this point).

Maggy The Frog

Remember way back in yesterseason when we were treated to the first (of many) flashbacks featuring this woman above? I do and what I remember is that the woman warned Cersei that she would not like what Maggy had to share. That does not stop Cersei, and of course Maggy shares the tale of how Cersei will not marry the prince (Rhaegar), but the king (Robert). She will have three kids (all Jaime's) while her husband will have 16 (his bastards). They will all wear crowns of gold (they were given the surname Baratheon after all), and shrouds of gold (Joffrey's death in season three, Myrcella in the season five finale and Tommen in the seaosn six finale) and outliving all of her children. Now we have yet to see who will be the younger more beautiful queen that casts her dwon (Dany is on her way and Sansa is up in the North with Jon ready to do battle), and who will be the younger brother that chokes the life out of her. At this point, this scene can very much go one of two ways: it's either Tyrion as he storms Westeros alongside Dany or Jaime who as we their gaze during her coronation has no love left for her. However after watching this said gaze twice now, I highly doubt Tyrion will be Cersei's undoing the way she had always thought he would.

Screen Junkies

If you have not seen their work "Honest Trailers", this will leave you confused. The web series has made two prominent trailers for the HBO series which have all been highly entertaining and well... honest. Which is totally the point, especially given Jon Bailey's epic voice. Given the copious amount of material this season has provided for the writing team, another honest trailer for season six is absolutely in order without a need for season seven to be included. Every line the writers featured on that show lands on a solid note and although we will probably never hear of the Andal Invasion, the Dance of Dragons and all five of the Blackfyre Rebellions on screen, there is already enough content for them to point out maybe those should have been reference to give the show some more writing traction. Honesty is the best policy and let's face it, this web channel is the one that will do it the best.

Literally Every Book Reader (Sort of)

At the conclusion of this episode, it was confirmed: LYANNA STARK IS JON SNOW'S MOTHER! Now we also know this is cannon, because in an interview Benioff and Weiss explained that one of the many reasons why Martin would let this duo adapt the novels to series, is if they could correctly guess who Jon Snow's mother was. 59 episodes later and we finally get the major reveal that Lyanna is Jon Snow's mother. She spoke the immortal words "Promise me, Ned" that haunted our dear beloved Lord for the rest of his years. Now, mind you upon first viewing the episode, fans were left to wonder if Rhaegar was the father due to the uncertainty. However upon further inspection you can explicitly hear "If Robert finds out, he will kill him". Personally, there is enough probable cause, to believe R+L does in fact equal J, but there is an entire other season for us to speculate over so in the meantime, X plus L equals J.


The High Sparrow

As the season went on, we could not help but wonder just what sort of madness King's Landing was falling into as the High Sparrow gained more and more power. Yet throughout the season we could help but still feel as he was simply a man lost in his own faith and was simply trying to convey this in a rather extreme manner. However as we saw in the finale, this was not the matter at all. Rather, as we saw in his final moments, he was a man lost in his pride that he gained so many followers, trust and power within King's Landing. As we find out in his final moments in that he refuses to let the people leave for their own safety his pride (the most powerful sin of all) ultimately became the downfall of a man who prided himself in being oh-so holy.


Yes, bringing back Jon Snow from the dead gives her a pass. Yes, people felt her pain as she displayed her loss of faith (figuratively and literally). But it did not save her from the wrath of Sir Davos and his love for the late Princess Shireen (he was the only father she truly had). While she has been through so much to find some glimpse of the faith she strongly preached about when she first came on to the scene, it was not enough. Fact is, the Red Woman could only be able to live for so long without anyone knowing the truth despite it eventually being revealed. So until season seven, thank you for the multitude of memes for your choker being the only gift better than anti-aging makeup.

Daario Naharis

You know what really grinds my gears? The fact that his character was brought into this finale simply to be written off by Benioff and Weiss. Daario may have been an obstacle for Daenerys and hence her reasoning to leave the man behind, but seriously? This is just a dissatisfying way to go at it if you ask me.


"He would burn the entire world if it meant Littlefinger could be King of the Ashes," Varys warned us many episodes ago. In the season six finale we got the clearest vision of what Petyr Baelish wants: to rule the world with Sansa as his queen. However, his last major card appeared to be trying to drive a wedge between Sansa and Jon due to their differences. While it is true that Sansa was born in Winterfell and Jon was (as we found out in the finale) was born in Dorne that did not stop the two from standing side by side. While there may be hope yet for this bird that Sansa will change her mind, for now this season he is down for the count.

Jaime Lannister

Again, another man who has been through so much, received so little in character development and has ultimately become a new kind of man... So why is he a loser? Mostly because George R.R. Martin wrote all of this character development for Jaime A LONG TIME AGO! Yeah, remember back in season three when Jaime went through hell and back with Brienne getting his hand cut off, saving one of his only true friends from humilation (can we talk about how awful that dress was? Like forget that Brienne looked horrible in it not because pink isn't her color, but because that dress would have looked horrendous on anyone period) and a bear? Yeah, well after those events in the books (season three is largely adapted from Martin's third novel A Storm of Swords) and Jaime returns to King's Landing, he has realized he has seen through everything from Joffrey's treachery (remember he's still alive at that point), to Cersei's own lies and deceptions. All of these events help Jaime to move on and reveal his diplomacy skills when he arrives at the Riverlands which is in complete chaos post-Red Wedding. But instead we see Jaime forcing sex upon his sister near the corpse of their dead son, Jaime making claims to burn the world if it means the two of them can be together only to be sent away to the Riverlands. It's only after THE SECOND TIME he returns he sees through Cersei. If Cersei is the reason we have the c-word then Jaime is the reason we have "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame one me".

Julian Glover

Admit it: You had no idea who this guy was until you saw the picture and thought "Oh yeah he was the guy who got stabbed by the children in the season finale". Well, the character was named Grand Maester Pycelle and he has been on the small council since Mad King Aeyrs II's reign. The actor on the other hand Julian Glover has been with the show for six season and so badly wanted to do more with his character. He never had anything to do in terms of character development and Glover had so many ideas to challenge himself as an actor (one of which he did get) but in the end he was just another character most people tried their best to remember. Here's to Julian Glover who has been one of the few to have come this far in the series, even if it was to portray the role of a foll in power. Here's hoping you will be able to find acting work that will allow you to challenge yourself and be more than a fool.

Ramsey Bolton Haters

Ramsay is dead at long last! So... why am I saying the haters are the losers? While many of us have begged for the death of Ramsay throughout this season, was it really because of his cruelty, or because he was not as entertaining as Joffrey? Yes Joffrey was a terrible character, but at least he had some character development to back up his atrocities. He was a character you loved to hate because of all of his madness (Comicbookgirl19's highlight reel of such things in her House Lannister Epic History video was pure entertainment at its finest). When he died, Joffrey at least had a mother to mourn the loss (and lead the charge to find who did it). Ramsay was just born pure evil, which meant that unfortunately he was also defined as one-dimensional. So one-dimensional that Benioff and Weiss made it clear there was to be no sympathy when Ramsay would die at the end of episode nine leaving him without any true development beyond wanting to be the top Bolton which was achieved too short to allow us to actually care. Although many fans are glad to see him gone and Westeros is better off without him, you can't help but look back on how ultimately this one-dimensional character could have caused so much pain and hatred. Ramsay was truly a character you could only hate to hate (but also love to love Iwan Rheon... Say what you will about Ramsay but Iwan Rheon is mighty fine).

The Season Six Writers

In case you haven't heard, our beloved Game of Thrones will have its season shortened to seven episodes going into season seven. While many fans may have been disappointed, keep in mind there is only so much left for the writer's room to write. At this point, these episodes now contain many elements of fanfiction, despite Hodor's revelation and Jon's parentage being elements GRRM explained were intended to be a part of his novels all along. There is too much content falling off the wayside and although the creators were able to write a strong finale, that does NOT give them a pass on what has been a season six based off of what appears to be two major revelations and too much free range leaving fans confused. It shows that while the duo of Benioff and Weiss are great adapters their skill in creation could use refinement.

So as we have reached the conclusion of another engaging season, now it's time to share theory upon theory and find out who will win and who will die in season seven. In the meantime, I'll be packing up my in case of dragon invasion emergency kit.

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