Women today are still not equal to men, and I can understand why we are not equal to men. I am not trying to offend anyone writing this. It is only what I think, personally, about how women are treated in society and how we may be victimizing ourselves and acting that we are the ones that are forever innocent but if you dig deeper, that my not be the case.
To start off, women are seen as lower class citizens to men. Yes, we are able to vote, but we earn $.75 of a dollar. Why on this messed up planet do we earn less than a man. Women created man, and without women, the planet would be extinct and the male species will cease to exist. Our purpose in life is not to birth several children. I mean, come on, the world is overpopulated and it is completely fine if you do not want any children whatsoever. Our purpose goes to vast lengths, women are emotionally and mentally strong. Women can bring kindness in the world when the world is filled with destruction and chaos. My favorite quote my mother used to me is, “ I put you in this world, and I certainly have the power to take you out.”
There is no difference between a man and a woman besides anatomy and possibly emotions. However, men can be as emotional as woman,and there is nothing wrong with a man expressing his feelings when he has too. A woman should also not looked down upon if she is aggressive and speaks her mind or does something that may be considered manly. If she does a task that may have originated as a man’s job, she should not be mocked or be told by an imbecile, “ wow, how womanly of you,” which would be said in a sarcastic tone.
Many women are activists for women’s rights and believe that they deserve everything a man has and more. I associate myself with being a feminist, and calling yourself a feminist is not being a man-hater, a feminist is someone that believes in equal right for all people. We have made so much progress in all areas such as racism, but countlessly, we neglect that we have this overall stigma of woman and still place women in these gender roles. Women should not look for financial stability or happiness within a man. If you find a man that you love and whom loves you, that is a remarkable and beautiful thing that you should cherish for as long as you can, but I do not think a man determines your happiness and success in the world. You can be happy beyond belief, single as a pringle. I think women need to learn how to love being by themselves before they can learn to enjoy spending their lives with another person. You should be by yourself as a sense of self-discovery and know what you like and dislike. Whomever said that the only way a woman can be happy is if you have a man in your life, must seriously be kidding themselves. You can date a slew of men, but if you started dating someone when you had low self esteem or dependent, you may lose sight of yourself and what you really want out of life, neglecting your aspirations and desires that you hold deeply in your heart.
Women need to stop competing against other women and making other women feel as though they are insignificant because of their physical appearance or relationship status. I am saying that women are not praised for being intelligent, but they are awarded for being beautiful and sustaining a relationship. Most of the time, this may be a generalization but women’s expenses goes into frivolous beauty products and most of our time is taken to look like a male’s fantasy. To be quite honest, this fantasy of what a man thinks a woman is does not exist and maybe pornography, magazines, the interweb and social media should stop brainwashing men, so they can turn out to be actual, decent human-beings. And maybe if we stop giving into the disgusting, male fantasy we would be doing ourselves and favor and have a fighting chance to hold our own to men.