5 Highly Anticipated Rap Projects We May Never Get | The Odyssey Online
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5 Highly Anticipated Rap Projects We May Never Get

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5 Highly Anticipated Rap Projects We May Never Get

Hip hop and R&B projects are notorious for being shelved or delayed leaving hungry rap fans desperate for music or even information. Even in the past year, several rap projects have been hinted at, discussed, or even outright announced but with no body of work resulting. To mourn the never-ending delays and possible never releasing projects, here's a list of 5 rap projects that we may never get.

1. ShMigo Gang(GS9, Migos, Rich the Kid)

This mixtape was promised in January of 2015 with a combination of the up-and-coming hit makers from GS9 and the established new wave of trap music in the form of Migos and Rich the Kid. This mixtape was expected to change a lot of the rap music scene and bring The Migos to a greater level of prominence within northern rap while giving the GS9 crew a link to the booming trap scene of the south. Unfortunately, Bobby Shmurda and a majority of the GS9 crew were arrested halting the anticipated release of the hyped project. With the mired and continuously developing information about the charges that the group are recieving, little is known about when, or if, the Shmigo gang mixtape will ever release.

2. Ape Shit (Future & Mike-Will-Made-It)

Some have been patiently waiting for this mixtape since Mike Will first announced that he and Future would be releasing a project in March of 2015. Others have been waiting since he officially released the cover art. Even more still have been waiting since Future hinted that the project might be releasing on Thanksgiving.

Anyone who follows rap music, especially in the past year or so, knows the explosive capabilities that Mike-Will-Made-It and Future have individually and this mere fact makes the lack of presence of this body of work disappointing. With no information coming out about the expected date of this project, we may never get to see Future go ape shit.

3. Peacocks, Peacoats, Flavors, and Papers (Chief Keef & Metro Boomin)

When Metro Boomin and Chief Keef announced they were releasing a collaborative project, everyone payed attention. The Chicago artist who controlled the summer party scene and the new takeover producer were slated to make a huge shake to the scene of rap. A couple of singles, 'Obama' and 'Jumanji', were released in promotion of the collaboration in November of 2015, but here we are in the summer of 2016 without any announcements or a projected release date. The mixtape has at least a half dozen different versions of the cover art floating around the Internet, but without concrete news coming out about the project, we may have to accept that we'll never get the next Faneto.

4. Boys Don't Cry(Frank Ocean)

In a month, it will be the four year anniversary of Frank Ocean's debut album, Channel Orange. A lot of artists couldn't survive in the state that Frank Ocean is in in which 100s of 1,000s of fans are patiently awaiting the coming of his new album which is believed to be entitled "Boys Don't Cry". Frank first announced the album in the summer a year ago and nearly everyone thought that it would release some time during that summer. Here we are nearly a year later and everyone is still waiting patiently for the new album hoping and praying that the wait will be worthwhile. Hopefully, we'll get the album soon and won't have to live in fear that the album will never get to our hands.

5. Turbo Grafx 16 (Kanye West)

Kanye caught everyone by surprise when he announced that he would release two albums in 2016 especially considering that the album he released earlier in the year, The Life of Pablo, was considered a successful album. Kanye declared that his new album would be entitled Turbo Grafx 16 and would be released in the summer. The latest updates regarding the project came in the form of a hint from Quavo who posted the following photo on Instagram with the caption 'Turbo'. However, it seems Kanye has focused his energy on the new Cruel Summer project releasing a song featuring the recently freed Gucci Mane, half of Twenty88 Big Sean, and the up-and-coming controversial GOOD Music signee, Desiigner. The glaring effort being put into the Cruel Summer project signals that Kanye may have shelved, if not scraped, Turbo Grafx as he hasn't released any information about the project since before March of this year.

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