Growing up we start to plan our weddings when were 10, we watch the bachelor weekly, trying to meet the right one on tinder, we live to be wanted.
We confuse the feeling of being wanted and accepted with the feeling of love. When we are seeking acceptance we are settling for less.
Settling for less leads to countless nights wondering if the guy we have settled for truly cares. Crying into a pillow asking yourself why yourself why you settled.
I do not want to be called hot nor do I want to feel wanted. Instead, I want someone who makes me feel treasured. Someone who will laugh at my jokes, even when I know they aren't funny. Someone I don't feel guilty about my past or about what I do in my future. Most importantly someone who will make me feel like I am important.
The truth is there more if you are willing to wait.
That’s why I will not settle. I will not choose someone because they keep me company. I will not choose someone simply because they pick me up and take me on a date.
So to the one reading this who is looking for the next one on tinder, don’t settle. Don’t settle for less when you know you deserve the world.