On the morning of June 12th, 49 lives were taken at the hands of another human being; 53 more were injured at the hands of this same individual. I will not name him, because if you have been following this story as closely as I have, you already know his name. I also believe that he doesn't deserve to be named for the sole fact that this article is for the victims. For the ones we have lost. The ones who may still be fighting for their lives in a hospital bed. For those whose lives have been altered forever. This attack that took place at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando has shaken us as a nation and has reminded us that no matter how many laws are passed, or Facebook profile pictures are changed in support, there is one thing preventing all of us to be united in equality: hate for one another.
If you really think about it, loving is so much easier and definitely more beneficial than hating. It's difficult to live life when you have hate in your heart for another person. Trust me, we have all been there and felt like hating a person for a number of reasons whether it be because of an argument, political views, differing opinions on a number of topics, or even lifestyle choices.
If you think about it, it's so easy to find things in another person to love: their laugh, the way they always have something witty to say in an argument or the way they smell right after a shower. The list can go on and on. Instead of condemning or hating someone because they live life differently than we do, we should embrace those differences and educate ourselves about them too. Instead of hating someone due to an argument or disagreement, why don't we agree to disagree and move on? Instead of hating someone that may have done you dirty, simply remove that person from your life and don't let it put hate it your heart. As we all have learned in the past week, life is fleeting, and we shouldn't waste the time we have on this earth hating one another.
It is unfair that Muslims are constantly being generalized, and even threatened to be banned from this country due to the actions of a few. It is ludicrous that men and women are being murdered because of who they choose to love. What happened to "with liberty and justice for all?"
It is time for a change, and as millennials, our voices are the ones that have the most power. Make yourself heard. Speak against hate. Speak against inequality. Most importantly, speak in favor of love. Do it for your gay best friend or Muslim neighbor. Do it for your African American co-worker or transgender hairstylist. If you can't find any other reason to do it, do it for those we have lost in the name of discrimination, in the name of fear, in the name of hate.
To Orlando, the LGBT community, and those who lost their lives in this terrible tragedy: I stand with you.