"If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know exactly how it feels. And if you have not, then you cannot possibly imagine it"
I still remember all of the times we had when we were younger. I still remember how I was always made fun of because I was the only girl. I remember we were basically inseparable. When we were younger we did everything together.
This is why we became so close when we got older. I remember all of the random conversations we used to have over text messages. And all of the times we would play video games at your house after school, or basketball with friends when we would pretend we were professional players at the time.
I remember all of it. Everyday. And those are the memories I choose to remember. Those are the memories that bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Every memory is one that I now hold even closer than I did before-- because of those memories, it kind of feels as though you are still here with us, which is something I wish was humanly possible to accomplish. But because we can't, I will forever cherish the memories we had with you while you were here with us.
And all of the memories that I and all of my family and friends now hold dear since you left us, are the reason why the anniversary of the day you left us, will never be just a day.
I cannot express enough how angry it makes me that someone could even muster the words "just a day" to the anniversary of losing a loved one. It honestly just sounds like a vain attempt to diminish the true meaning of the day. It could just be that they don'tcan't understand losing a loved one, so they just say whatever they think will help lessen the pain.
But think of this way-- when you lose someone close to you, just because they are gone, it does not mean they are truly gone. The memories stay. And because of that, they are always here. But that does not mean that the sad times are not also remembered. When a loved one is lost, the day that they left is forever remembered in the minds of everyone who was close to the loved one. So, since the day it happened and for the rest of time, it will never be JUST A DAY.
It's kind of like when there is a break up - no matter how many times you see their name after it happens, all of the bad memories come rushing back in your mind. The name will always have a bad connotation and the meaning will never be the same as it was the first time you saw it.
It is the exact same thing with the anniversary of losing a loved one. No matter what way you look at it, when you see the date of the anniversary on the calendar, it never has the same meaning as the first time you saw the date.
With all of that being said, here's a word of advice: if someone close to you loses someone close to them, never, and I mean never, under any circumstances, tell them that it is just a day. Because I promise you, they will never believe it, and it does not help to ease the pain.