Dear Friends, I leave today, and it is the hardest thing I have to do. Leaving behind so many familiar faces and welcoming hearts is so bittersweet. You guys have no idea how much you have impacted my life in the time you've been a part of it. I won't be light-years away, but compared to how much time we spend together, I might as well be. I want to thank you all and tell you how much you mean to me and why its tearing me apart to drive away.
Thank you for getting me through high school. I have no clue how I could have done it without you. You made sure I didn't fall down the steps when I walked, and I can't ask random people to do that at college. You taught me about mathway, and helped me not die of boredom in college algebra. You rehearsed every speech with me and we bombed every test in APUSH together. We were bus buddies from beginning to end. No one could put up with me for many 5-7 hour drives besides you. You were the first faces I would see in the morning on the way to school and we spent everyday after school together as well. We all got through band camps together and dreaded AP tests. Daily grammar was the highlight of our day and our lunch table can never be replaced. It is going to be so odd to go to class everyday without locked arms and laughing like we are insane. No more saying each others names when role is called to substitutes. No more group messages making fun of classmates conversations, when we all know they were talking about our craziness too. It is going to take awhile to adjust to the new setting.
We are a group of friends that is unlike any other. We fight and bicker constantly and have MAJOR attitudes, but if someone messes with one of us we are on them before they can think twice. We trash talk about each other daily, "Did you see what she's wearing today" , "Wow she went out last weekend AGAIN", "Why does she still mess with that boy". Constant insults coming out of our mouths. But we can say that stuff and it be fine because we are best friends and that's what we do. With the fights come the make ups, and that's the best part. Messing around with the same guy, lying to each other, hurting each others feelings, and having poor judgement smooths over within a week at most. And then we have to have a slumber party, of course, to catch each other up on all the drama that has happened while we weren't speaking.
The memories we share will last a lifetime. No one can replace you. Who else dresses up and runs down the road playing with toys, chasing boys, and making fools of ourselves? Going on 1 AM trips to Huddle House and talking to the waiter like he's been your pal all your life. Getting stuck in mud and having to push the car out in really nice shoes. Crashing bonfires and running for my life. The 4th of July always being a special day for us. Late night swims and late night adventures to who knows where. School breaks entailing nonstop sleepovers. Just dance being a legit form of cardio. School dances, house parties, and house sitting, all crazy times. "What're the Odds" being everyone's worst nightmare. Pokémon Go and Geocaching in the middle of the night. The list of memories can go on and on but you guys know them all. Thank you for making my life so fun.
You get me more than I get myself. I come crying to each of you and you always know what to say to make me better. If I mess up, you tell me, but then try to dry the tears. You are there when the times get bad and I don't know who else to turn to. Laying in bed or driving around telling secrets and stories is not an unusual occurrence with us. I get myself in some pretty sticky situations, but they are nothing you guys can't help me get through. I have helped you guys countless times and you have me, it's just a cycle. I don't always have to say something is wrong for you to know. You know my moods and facial expressions better than anyone. Words aren't always necessary with friends like us. I was truly blessed to have you in my life.
Now listen to me, I won't always be here. And you won't either. We are all going our separate ways here soon and chances of seeing each other will be slim. Probably months until we can get all the girls back together for a reunion. Texts and calls may dwindle down, but please know I am always here. No matter what. If something happens down the road and we lose touch, remember I love you. Forget the dumb boys, you guys were my first loves. No one has cared for me or has been there for me like you guys and no one can replace that. I want you guys to know I am proud of you. You girls have come so far since I met you, and it is insane. We went from immature little girls to immature young ladies. We have our futures laid out in front of us and all we have to do is go for it. You will do good. I am so excited to see where the world takes you and how many lives you change like you changed mine. Try not to forget about me while you go do big things. Try to think back and remember how much fun we had when our biggest worries were which boy will text us back and if we can stay out past 10 PM. I love you all so much, and I am going to miss you. Let's stay part of each others lives forever because I don't know how to live life without you.