As senior year is passing me by, I have tried to take a step back and look at the big picture. What will matter in 10 years? What will I miss? What will I remember forever? Does the one low test grade really matter? Most likely other seniors are thinking of these things too and if you're not, you should be.
What will I miss?
The school that is now my home. the friends that I now call family and the sisters who have changed my life.
What will I remember forever?
The good times. The memories of the late nights and the random adventures at 2am. The people who turned a boring Friday night, into a night for the books. The friends who will give you pep talks before that big test . The ones who joined forces to buy ice cream, or the girl whose boyfriend broke up with her at the worst possible time.
Does the one bad grade really matter?
No. In the long run, the one bad grade does not matter in the long run. The one withdrawl on your transcript can be explained, the one low grade can be improved with your others. It is nothing to cry over and nothing to sress about. It happens to everyone.
You learn some school things too but the best lessons are those you don't learn from class. You learn who you are as a person and learn what you value in your relationships. You learn how people really are outside of high school. You learn that life is too short to hold grudges. You learn to trust but to watch your back. You live and you learn.
10 years from now I won't remember the late night studying for the test at 9am, but I will remember the friends who cheered me on. I won't remember the petty drama with that one girl, but I will remember the friendships made through the good times and the bad.
The past four years have changed a lot, but I would not change them for the world.