A new year and as always, time for new year's resolutions! Like most, I am sure, I never stick to any resolution I make. This year is different, this year I will be fierce! I have always been one of those girls who was content on being who everyone else told me I was. I would give and give, never thinking about myself. This has caused me to be used, taken for granted, and hurt by way too many people. I have never taken the time to find out who I really am and what I could become if I just believed in myself. I have personally seen this trend in many girls, we think we have to be the ones who do everything and take no time for ourselves.
This past year I decided to do something for myself, to take the leap I was always afraid of. I enrolled in college to pursue dreams I have always had. It has been a hard adjustment for me, and I feel guilt over doing something for myself. I constantly worry I am putting my marriage in jeopardy, or taking away from my children. This year I will find the person I truly am. I will let go of all the guilt and insecurities. For once in my life, I am doing something for myself and I am loving it! Sure, I may get little sleep, and I take on more than I should, but I am enjoying every minute of it. I don't want my children to spend years doubting themselves like I did. I want them to see their mom as strong, determined, and fierce.
This year I want to take this determination and do so much more. I no longer want to be seen as a pushover, as having low self-esteem, and letting others decide what is best for me. I plan on showing everyone a different side of me that I haven't let out, a girl who can hold her own in any situation. I am strong, I just need to believe in myself and I know I will be able to conquer anything I set my mind to. It's time for me to embrace who I really am, time to take leaps, and time to be fierce. I want my children to see that they can be anything they want to be in life. I want them to know, they alone set their path in life, and no one else should keep them from where they have chosen to go along in that journey.
Life can be so fulfilling and take us to so many different places if we just believe in ourselves! We all need to learn to take chances we never thought we would. We should do something we love, but always doubted we could succeed. We need to embrace the person we really are, not the person society has decided we should be. My challenge to everyone who is like me, who is afraid to be anything more than what they are told to be, I challenge you to be fierce! Take a chance, take a leap, and do something for you!
This is your year, take it, embrace it, and always be fierce!!