What would your day look like without wifi? Whoaaaaa, that's a scary thought huh? No wifi... you wouldn't be reading this article without it. It's hard to imagine a day without instant access to the answers to any questions we may have or juicy gossip on our Facebook feeds.
I don't remember a world without wifi, with all the information I could ever ask for literally in my hands. The internet has consumed my life, and it's not all bad or good. I love being able to reconnect with old friends, see photos of loved ones, and have answers to any questions at any moment. But, unfortunately, a lot of negative can come along with this world of wifi we've build around ourselves. Often the negative in this situation far outweighs the positive, and we let it sweep into our lives and completely take over our days.
I am all for technology and wifi, but I am not all for it continuing to consume my life. I have let airbrushed, filtered, and edited pictures of nearly naked women let me define what my body should look like. I have picked myself apart from head to toe for not looking like these women, forgetting that those images don't portray real women's bodies. I have watched as couples have posted loving post after loving post wondering why my relationships weren't as good as theirs. It's so easy to forget that the pictures people post do not reflect their relationships. The images hide the honest truth that every relationship has its struggles and requires work. Eventually you'll start comparing your relationships to those you see on the internet, and begin to question why yours isn't as good as everyone else's. Social media will kill every relationship if you let it. I don't want to keep walking around life with my nose in my phone ignoring the people around me as I waste away my day to see who posts what next.
I want to extend a challenge out to everyone, including myself. I want to spend one whole day a week without wifi, aside from necessary school or work assignments, and that includes that half hour you spend scrolling through Facebook or Instagram before bed. The snap streaks truly aren't important at the end of the day, they are no accomplishment, and your friends will still be your friends without them. Take a day a week to live your life, breath it in, and truly open your eyes to the world you're in. Be present in your own life, don't check out by checking into social media.
"Where ever you are, be all there" Jim Elliot
I've decided I am going to write a journal before bed about my day and experiences on the days I choose to ditch the wifi. This will give me time to reflect and keep me from being tempted to grab my phone.