I'm constantly being asked why I chose to major in secondary history/social studies education. People question why on earth anyone would want to spend the rest of their days teaching kids about things that many of them won't care about. What those people fail to understand is that teaching is so much more than showing up, grading papers, and handing out tests. Teachers play a key part in shaping the future.
Teachers work with impressionable minors who will eventually become the next scientists, lawyers, doctors, and writers. They are key in the development of a child, and a good teacher can determine whether a child hates a subject with a passion or falls in love with it. For example, throughout my high school career, I had fantastic history and social studies teachers. As a result, I chose to major in teaching history and social studies to future generations. Without teachers, the world would not function in the way it does today. It would be much more difficult for children to get an education at all, much less a good education.
Earlier today, a friend showed me a photograph of a teacher sitting in the hallway with a crying child. The picture had been taken by a passerby who overheard part of the conversation the teacher was having with the student. According to the caption, the student was crying because he was being bullied at school. Rather than focusing his attention on the students doing the bullying, the teacher sat down with the hurting child and talked to him. The teacher was attempting to focus on the child that needed help before focusing on the children doing the bullying. Teachers can positively impact and make a difference in a child's life.
As a teacher, I have the opportunity to help positively shape the future by influencing the next generation. A good teacher can inspire students to use the knowledge and opportunities they are given to make a difference in the world. So why do I want to be a teacher, you ask? I want to inspire. I want to make a positive difference in a child's life. I want to help a child believe that they can graduate, or go to college. I want to be a teacher because I want to make a difference, no matter how small.