Everyone asks why I joined a sorority. That I don't look or act like I would be in one. And I know I'm not the only one that's been asked that but if you really think about it, anyone can join. The real question is why have we stayed so long? Maybe it was the philanthropies and how close they are to our heart. Or because our mom or aunt was in it. Or someone you knew was in it. And if you know someone or you're in a sorority you know the struggles of being in one. The call times, the recruitment attire, and the hassle of finding them. The 12+ hours in heels. So why put yourself through all of this knowing you can leave it behind? It’s rough. Well it's like home. What’s stopping you from leaving? Why do you live where you live?! What's stopping you from moving? Or from quitting your job or taking that position? Is it because it's your only option? Is it because you love it?
The opportunities you get from joining any organization (because that’s what you do when you join a sorority, you join an organization) are endless and you probably heard it all.
So why do I stay? Well I'll tell you why I stayed. Because it feels like a home away from home. It feels great to stand for an organization with a great cause. It feel amazing to know that although it’s just for 4 years, I'll have a HUGE group of sisters everywhere I go. Because I can meet different girls in different sororities but the feeling of meeting someone in your sorority in a different school feels more like being reunited with a life long friend.And although they are not my real family, my Greek family has been there in the most life changing moments in my life. They don't have to be my friends or respect me, yet they do both. Because I spent so much time invested in my sorority that it has become my life. It has become a part of me. It has taught me lessons and continues to still continues to. It has changed my character into a woman I am proud to become. Because the Greek letters (I have the privilege to wear) mean more than just some Greek letters. It's like wearing your school letters once you have been accepted to show off. And I know that wherever I go and whatever profession I choose to become I know I'll meet a member in my sorority that will remind me of the memories I've made so far. Who knows what future memories may be made. And if we ever meet another member we'll get to tell her about our experience. Because together we're growing into incredibly strong inspiring women. Women that I am proud to call my Sorority Sisters. That's why I stay. That's the reason I chose to be a member. So don't ask us why we are in it. Ask us why we stay?
You'll probably even get a more meaningful conversation out of it too….