Reflecting on some of my decisions I've made in life, I feel as if they would've turned out a little differently - a little better if I would have just put more emphasis on my own personal opinion instead of everyone else's. In life we have to be mindful of everyone else's feelings and think out our decisions on how this action would have a reaction on everyone else, but where does this end? Where do we finally get to make our own decisions based on our own opinions, not everyone else's?
I think it is great that so many people have an opinion on how I should live my life, and what I should do. We are always taught this is because these people care and want to see us do good in life. There comes a time though, these opinions turn into control and expectation and can turn positive life strides into negativity. To do well in life, you have to be what you want to be, and do what you want to do. You cannot do things based on what people tell you you have to do. This is the line between an opinion and a manipulator.
Your personal opinions are based off of who you truly are as a person. They are what define you, they create and mold your personality. They make you unique and set you aside from every other human being on the planet. Don't let someone else come in and take your thoughts and ideas away from you. If you want to travel the world, travel the world. If you want to go to medical school, go to medical school. The world is yours for the taking, you just have to let yourself be willing. Don't let anyone tell you you're not cut out for it, because anyone can do anything they set out to do. I will be the first to tell you miracles can happen.
In my life personally, my family - such as my parents, grandparents and aunt and uncle have been some of my greatest supporters. They've given me a foundation to have a great life and do whatever I want to do as long as I am happy. I have done many things I'm proud of and that's because I was allowed to form my own opinions. I was let to find my voice and speak for myself with everyone I encountered, and the ability to do this made me more aware of not only my surroundings - but of myself.
In this lifetime, don't let anyone take your opinions, because your opinions are just as important as theirs. You are a part of this world and you matter just as much as the next person. Don't let anyone discourage you as you go out and try to take on this world, because there's more than one way to do things. Find things you're passionate about and live the way you want to because you won't be here forever.