At age twelve or fifteen, I never would have thought that one day I would consider my mom one of my best friends. She is the woman who raised me, taught me how to ride my bike and would make sure I took my Flintstones vitamin every morning. I saw her as the person who provided me with what I needed and disciplined me when I did something wrong. I saw my friends as those who I could have fun with or tell my secrets.
That all changed last year, specifically last fall. I lost many friendships, ones I thought I would have for a lifetime. School challenged me to the point where I was not sufficiently eating or sleeping. I experienced rejection in the form of being turned down for a leadership position I truly wanted. There were multiple times where all I wanted to do was break down and through every single one those moments, my mom was the one I looked for. I would repeatedly go to her, whether it was to complain or to be comforted. In the moments I felt the weakest, I looked for my mom to remind me of my strength. I would go to her because I knew I could rely on her and had no doubt that she would receive me with open arms.
So why did it take me twenty years to realize my best friend was by my side all this time?
I think the main reason is that sadly, but honestly, I took my mom for granted. I did not take the time to see all she had for me and still continues to do. I was caught up with hanging out with my friends or too concerned with my social life. I did not realize that my mom was truly the only person who would, without condition, be there for me. It took me such a long time to come to understand that her guidance is what helped shape me into who I am today. I came to see how my mom was the one person who would fight for me like no one else.
Our parents may have flaws and may have made mistakes, but no one knows us like our parents. No one will ever love us like our parents do. They purposely choose to sacrifice and give us everything we need in order to see us living happily and abundantly. Some of our parents may have seen us at our worst and lowest moments, and even then still love us exactly the same. That is the love of a parent and that is the love you will find nowhere else.