I'm sure you've thought to yourself that any negative situation you've been presented with automatically makes your life terrible, right?
That's not the case.
Now, don't get me wrong, you are entitled to feel different emotions other than positive ones, but in the end, it's all about how you deal with these situations.
The situations you're presented with, good or bad, are brought to you solely so that you can be molded by them. They teach you to grow, they teach you lessons whether you know it or not and overall, most of the time, they're for the best.
Yes, it's another story if you lose a family member, terminate a friendship, or go through a bad breakup; however, even when dealing with those situations, there is still something good to come out of them.
If you really think about it, it's amazing how powerful your brain is and how capable you are of obtaining knowledge and controlling yourself.
If you stop yourself as you go about your days and think about all the good things in this world, all of the good things in your life, about how alive you are, and how you have the privilege to wake up every morning and have the things that you do, why would you ever want to waste the ability of making your life completely content internally? Even externally?
Why let issues that shouldn't matter, matter?
Life may present you with difficult challenges. Life may seem terrible to you at times and you may experience the worst days of your entire life, but when you wake up every morning you have a choice: you can let the obstacles life puts in your path control you in a negative way, or you can face life's obstacles with positive light, lots of love and make things better for yourself.
It is possible to embrace the bad by replacing it with good thoughts and good energy toward any negative situation.
And although at times it is inevitable to change an external situation that may be harmful to you, you have the power to change your internal reactions.
You control you. Your actions, your words, your reactions, your happiness, it is all your choice.
Choose to expand your mind, choose to be less judgmental, choose to be more understanding. Choose to wake up every single morning and love life, choose to respect others even if you don't agree with them. Choose to put the energy you were given to good use, choose to be at peace internally and choose to not let anybody disturb your tranquility. Choose to catch yourself when you do wrong, think wrong, be upset over little things, complain about silly things and change it. Choose to surround yourself with people who will only lift you higher. Most importantly, choose to love yourself. You are deserving of self-love and you deserve to enjoy the life you were given.
There are going to be a countless amount of people who will try and tear you down, they will try to break you, hurt you, make you feel less than who you truly are but over time you will realize that these people don't matter. The ones who matter are the ones who will truly understand you, inside and out. They will be the ones who will stay. They will be with you by your side through thick and thin and any doubts or questions about it will not exist.
Remember this when you complain about little things.
Remember this when you feel down about yourself.
Remember this when you are in a terrible situation.
Remember that it’s not the end of the world.
In life, we don't always get what we wish for. We don't always get what we want. Our desires aren't always fulfilled. However, you have the choice to make any terrible situation, no matter what it is, better. Even if things don’t work out as you intended, your plan B should be to find another way to make your plan A work.
You will make it work.
And you will be okay.
One day, you're not going to have all of the opportunities that you have right at this very moment. Life's a miracle. Remember to make yours beautiful, full of light, full of love and full of happiness.