Being home from the first year college is a very interesting time. You’ve been away for about nine months and now are coming back home for almost three full months. Your school friends have been with you for most of the year and coming home, you don’t know what to expect with your home friends. As you get older, you start to learn who your true friends are. Honestly, I have three of my closest friends with me and I couldn’t be happier. So thank you guys for always being there all this time.
Personally, my home friends are the best part of being home (aside from family) so that’s why I wanted to write this. One thing that always sticks out to me about my friends from home is that they’re always there for you no matter what. As soon as you needed something, they’d be there for you. No matter what stories you tell them about you in college or your dramatic story of the “worst night ever,” your home friends are always there for you. They understand you in a way that where other people may say you're crazy or being “dramatic” they never say that to you. They are always the ones to say “I totally understand” or “I would’ve done the same thing” (unless it’s my guy friends, they’d be the first to tell me I’m crazy).
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My friends are the type to always make you laugh to get over whatever it is you’re going through. They are the type to always have your back no matter what mistakes you made or how stressed out you are about a class. They are always right there to give you the advice you need even if you’re not physically together. They are the type of people that if you hate someone so do they, they have your back when it comes to boys, mean girls, or anyone else that may stand in your way.
After all the time you’ve been apart at school, you are still as close as you were. The true test of friendship is the one that can be away from each other for a long period of time and then come back like nothing ever happened. Coming home from being apart could be hard sometimes, but it shows what true friendship is when you pick up right where you left off months ago.
Like the friends you made at school, your home friends always make sure you have fun. The time when you get home and finally get to go out with your friends is the best time you will have. Your friends at home know everything about you, they know everything about you at home and honestly probably everything about you at school. You keep in touch as the year goes on just so they are caught up with every little detail of your life.
Threw in this pic below because as for the guys, we have been a lot in the last like 10 years (literally). Some of you are not in the pictures but I would not trade any of my friendships with you for the world. At times it’s been tough and maybe haven't been the closest we've always been, but thank you for sticking with me and I’m glad I have you guys in my life. Even though I annoy you a lot of time :)
As we go back to school, I know it’s going to be hard being away from each other. But we know that the true test of our friendship is coming home from breaks picking up right where we left off. Through thick and thin I know I can always count on you guys like sisters and I can’t thank you enough for being the best friends a girl can ask for.