I do not think I have ever met a person who does not instantly perk up when they encounter a dog. Dogs have that effect on people. Pups are the perfect companions for just about everybody. They seem to be the heroes of happiness and they do so without even trying.
But why? There are so many pleasures in the world that dogs cannot even enjoy. Often times when a person sees something they cannot have or do, they get upset and disappointed. On the other hand, a dog does not. Dogs only see what is right in front of them. Dogs appreciate life for what it is. They don’t overthink anything or hold grudges or hold onto past mistakes. They live in the moment. From having a dog, I have learned the importance of being present and letting go. Hanging onto the small hiccups in life has no purpose. Although easier said than done, letting go is crucial to living a more positive life. There are only so many hours in a day. Spending a significant amount of them feeling down in the dumps, will only end up hurting more in the end. Try stepping back and seeing life from a dog’s perspective. All they see is you. All of the remarkable parts that make you, you and they love you for everything that you are.
Dogs love unconditionally. The love a dog has for its owner is truly like no other. It is the kind of love you can see no matter where you are; it is always present. To the mutt, there is no better person on the planet than their human. As a result of that, it is imperative to live every day as the person your dog thinks you are. A dog doesn’t care if you wear fancy clothes or drive an expensive car, they love for your character. A dog’s love is genuine and pure. The fur balls love with all their hearts.
Your dog is happier than you because you see a crowded street and they see more people to play with. Perspective is everything. I think, as humans, there is a collection of lessons we can learn about life from watching how dogs tackle it. The simple lifestyle of a dog is inspiring. Life rolls hour by hour for dogs and they’re just looking for the next event to wag their tails about. No matter how the day is playing out, they inevitably seem to find one. Dogs spot the good in the world. They play with endless excitement. They savor every single bit of food they receive. Even though they never say the words thank you, it is obvious that their gratitude floods their beings. Dogs bring us so many smiles and joyous times, and could potentially be the secret keepers to a happier life.