For as long as I can remember, I have heard people say “beauty is pain.” These words are sometimes thrown about without thought, and relay an extremely negative lesson to anyone willing to listen close enough. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am guilty of mindlessly saying things like this. Sometimes flippant comparison leads us to say things that we really do not mean deep down. Still, the ease with which we allow such harsh words to come out of our mouths about something as delicate as self-image may be is astonishing.
Hear me, my stylish souls; while, yes, those glitzy heels and perfectly shaped eyebrows are certainly some kind of beautiful, it shouldn’t be a standard rule that in order to be beautiful, pain must have first been endured.
This is not to be mistaken for the saying’s reverse—there are circumstances in which pain is an indicator of a journey and is therefore worthy of appreciation. Pain can be breathtakingly beautiful in these instances, but this does not justify beauty being limited to painful experiences.
I have heard of many individuals recently promoting positive body image no matter who you are, and at the risk of standing out, I feel it necessary to call after these advocates “YES! KEEP SHARING! But don’t neglect to announce that it is not the idea of altering one’s looks that creates a problem. It’s deeper than that. It’s becoming blind to comparison that causes us to fail.”
You see, it is much more harmful to consistently endure the “minute pain” that comes from trying to put on your best show than from toughing out the awkwardness that may come with not caring to brush your hair or match your clothes one day. This is because you are harming something more important than your physical self-- you are acknowledging to the world that you are naturally not enough to live up to it's standard of beauty.
I know you’re thinking I just don’t understand. You've heard similar messages before and you’re so used to your daily routine by now that you would never think twice about altering it. But, just once, I would like to see people suddenly forfeit their looks for some extra sleep. Just once, I’d like to live in a judgement and carefree world where being beautiful enough or good enough did not come down to giving up (even just a second of) overall wellness.
I’m not saying not to have personal hygiene or to protest cosmetic lines. I simply wish that you would take the time to be okay with yourself to the point that when you don’t think you can take another step in those shoes, you are reassured that you are beautiful the way you are. When you are pushed to the limits and all you want to do is forget about the makeup and strenuous exercise routines, I hope that you will still smile at your courage as you Netflix the day away.
Rather than being painful, sometimes the most beautiful things in life are comfortable. Sometimes things you do for yourself (and only yourself) bring you more happiness than meeting social standards ever will.
The Lord has designed a perfect masterpiece within you. You were flawlessly constructed, and no matter what it feels like the world says, you are amazing even when it comes to your insecurities.
All that’s left is to examine yourself. Are you living a genuinely beautiful life?
If you are sticking to the old saying, “Beauty is Pain,” you have a lot left to fall in love with in this world. The biggest reason why this is consists of generations upon generations of individuals passing down the notion that you must alter yourself in order to be attractive.
For those of you that fall into this category, have no fear, you can change your perspective yet. The first step? Don’t be so hard on yourself. We are all works in progress.
Wherever you are on your life's journey, simply remember: pain can be beautiful, but it does not take pain to achieve beauty.