It seems like everyone is always in a rush. Whether it's someone rushing to grow up and enter adulthood or just rushing around town running errands, people rarely take a moment just to be present. Live music and going to concerts gives you a chance to slow down. You can forget about all your other responsibilities for a little all while you feel the kick drum in your chest and the bass shaking the floor beneath your feet. You are there, standing in a room with people you have never met. You know nothing about each other yet you're standing there belting out lyrics to all your favorite songs with them. You know for a fact that you have one thing in common but you're blissfully unaware in that moment of the thousands of other things you could potentially share with them. Whether its you and fifty other people listening to your all time favorite underground band or you're in a huge arena listening to someone whose songs play on the radio everyday, you share something with everyone in there.
I think a lot of the time people fail to realize how far we have drifted from human connection. Music is something that brings us together. It's a conversation topic, it's a night to go out with a few friends and maybe make some new ones, it is a chance to connect with new people in a new way. Music is universal, it is something that everyone can bond over and is something that almost everyone enjoys. From the beginning of time music and drum beats have brought us together and are still doing so today. Music doesn't know time and music doesn't know judgement. You can listen to whatever you want, spanning over multiple conflicting genres, no matter who you are or your role in life.
Music has a variety of purposes. The backdrop of a powerful dance, a crutch when you're going through a hard time, a joyous melody when you're celebrating, or the way you release all your anger pent up within you. It makes unbearable things easier like working out or going to that party you weren't too thrilled about going to. Some people may not be as dependent or listen to as much music as others and that is completely normal to some but then there are those people you never see without headphones in.
Don't limit yourself. Always be willing to listen to other genres or a new song. Go out of your comfort zone. You never know what you could end up falling in love with. If someone shares a song with you there's definitely a reason. You can learn a lot about someone from their favorite songs. Music adds something to life that nothing else can. Never take it for granted.
Plato says, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."