There’s always that one day during the semester when you think everything is great, but then you realize midterm grades have just been posted online. That morning you wake up somewhat uneasy and, if you're like me, you immediately go onto your grade portal.
Immediately, my stomach would turn and my palms would get a little sweaty, because I knew my grades weren’t going to be as great as I wanted them to be. After logging onto your portal two things can happen. The first thing is you can look at your grades and realize you didn't do half as bad as you thought you would. The second thing is you can check them and literally loose it. I don’t know what that looks like for you, but you know what they say; to each his own.
Either way ,if you’re dealing with the second option: don’t freak out. Even though the semester might seem like it’s sprinting towards the end, believe it or not, you still have time to get your act together. Every year before midterm grades were posted I was never too worried about my grades. I knew that somehow at the end of the year things would work out and come together. However, last semester proved me wrong and it made me totally reevaluate myself as a student. Then this semester for the first time, in a long time, I got midterm grades back that I was actually pretty proud to share.
Usually I would wait until my parents would ask me what I had gotten in my classes to finally tell them. After what seemed like years of me doing that, I decided to make a change. Sure, there was more studying involved and I spent a ridiculous amount of time at night trying to get my homework done and ready for the next day, but it was worth it. My whole point is that even though I had never done well on my midterm grades before, I was able to turn my school life around and become a better student.
Even if you're super distressed about your grades this midterm season and you think their might be no way to reach your goals by the end of the year, you got this. School is hard, and at some times it might even seem pointless, but don’t let one bad quarter mess with your head. Get yourself together. Put in some more time and make sure to get it done. And remember you totally got this.