1. Succulents are good for your health!
Thanks to a little process know as the one and only, photosynthesis, the plants release carbon dioxide through respiration, producing oxygen all for you! This means a better purification of air AND a great nights sleep!
3. You can rant to them!
Getting a succulent means you're getting another friend, and that means releasing all your rants and gossip! Talking to your succulent doesn't only benefit you, but the plant itself! Talking to your plants means you're giving them even more carbon dioxide, increasing their growth. Its a win-win.
4. They look adorable in pots!
Fun Fact- The options for succulent pots are actually ENDLESS
WARNING- It's hard not to accidentally shop for some cute succulent pots for 2 hours straight (guilty)
5.Low Maintenance
Succulents are drought-proof! Only requiring a watering every time you see dry soil and an ample amount of sunlight, easy enough!
Be proud of your succulent addiction, if anyone tells you otherwise, they obviously just succ.