Perceiving someone as "perfect" on instagram or any other social media platform is not an unusual phenomenon and often we strive to be as beautiful or as fit as the girl we see, but as is true of nearly everyone, we only ever post our best pictures.
Often times when scrolling through instagram, we forget that when people post pictures, they are posting pictures of their best side. They are posting pictures that have been posed for and taken multiple times in order for the picture to even being close to their posting standard. These pictures have been edited and put through multiple pictures to rid of any imperfections or flaws. These pictures may show her perfect skin or perfect hair, but they are not the girl you will see in reality.
Some people are just more photogenic, and their amount of followers does not mean that they are more liked or that they live a more adventurous life. Others, rarely take pictures, so even if they had experienced as many adventures, they may prefer to keep those memories as a more personal recollection of their life, rather than a public display of their happiness.
So next time you scroll past that girl's instagram who you strive to be like, remember that they have experienced love and loss, they get sad sometimes, or angry, or feel like they don't matter, but in the end, we are all people, only wishing for futures full of happiness and friends.