As you throw your diploma in the air in bittersweet celebration of graduating high school, you are soon hit with the reality that your relationship may never be quite the same. You've likely been hearing advice from every angle and person in your life on what to do, and you may be trying to put it off as long as possible.
There are two popular options when approaching college in a relationship. First, to end the relationship before the summer starts to make it "easier" or to enjoy the rest of the summer together before breaking it off when school starts. You don't have to take either of these paths, and I advise against it.
Assuming you are in a happy and healthy relationship, there is no reason to end it without a valid reason. Does he/she still make you happy? Would you be ending the relationship if it wasn't for college? You will be told countless reasons about why a relationship in college is wrong, and at first, they will make sense—until you take a closer look.
"You need to experience new people."
If your peers are direct, they'll just come out and tell you that you need to get around for the "college experience." I'm not sure when the "college experience" was confused with meeting large amounts of guys or girls. You can experience anything you want to while in a relationship; there are little to no restrictions. You can go out and you can meet friends, guys or girls. There is no reason that you haveto get around in order to be having a college experience. I can also tell you that freshmen boys are no prince charmings. You are not missing out on much.
"You need to find yourself."
If you are with the right person, they will give you space to do just that. Being with someone doesn't automatically mean you can't do everything you like and want to do. This is also the person who knows you better than anyone, who can support you in all your interests.
"You need to figure out what you like."
This is what makes people question their relationship even at the happiest of times. The scary thought that the person you are with is not the right person for you, although it seems like they are. What people fail to realize is that this is not something to worry about until the time comes. Maybe the relationship doesn't work out, and maybe you realize you are not right for each other. But if you end the relationship too soon while it is still in a great spot, then you will never know and you may be left with regret.
Whether it is the first week, second month or the end of your first year of college, you might realize this relationship is not what you want. Just because you start school being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to stay together for the year. At any point you can change your mind, so why rush to end something so quickly when it is still good?