It was hard for me to make the transition from high school to always having boyfriends to frat parties and college guys when I came to college. I figured I would have fun but eventually just settle down with a boyfriend. Then, I came to realize that things work differently in the college relationship world. So many girls I know say they plan on finding their husband in college and that it doesn’t matter what their grades are as long as their husband is passing his finals.
This to me is one of the most uneducated decisions a young woman could possible make. Most guys in college are not ready to settle down right now and definitely don’t want a girl that is super dependent on them. Here are five reasons to go get the best career you can and don’t leave it up to a college guy that can’t even commit to what his favorite brand of beer is right now.
1. Times have changed. This is 2015, not the 20s where we are waiting hand and foot on our husband. Do cooking and cleaning all day so when he gets home he can eat the home cooked meal we have been preparing for hours? NO. Women have power and have just as much say politically and socially as men do and we need to keep our power within the world.
2. Nothing is sexier than an educated woman. In today’s times, the dumb blonde is out, and women that our smart and educated with jobs are what men today think is sexy. Men chase after women that know what they want and aren’t afraid to go get it. Women that can actually have conversations about the country we live in, and topics that impact the world are attractive. We should not sit around and wait on a man all day, we need to go out into the world and impact it ourselves. So go be a surgeon, lawyer (that’s my plan), or CEO and don’t wait around for one second because you never know when your frat star boyfriend could find himself a new girl.
3. Divorce is common. Not saying that all men are like this, but many I know now are terrified of commitment. Many men will not risk themselves getting hurt so they will say one thing and then run away from their feelings. This makes it extremely difficult for someone that met in college to get into a relationship and to stay in one. Divorce rates increase every year simply because of all the pressure it puts on a man to have to be a bread-winner all by himself. It kills me to say I know so many women that put all their trust in a guy and the stress of making all the money and supporting the family that it ended in nasty, scandalous divorces. Then the woman is left single with kids to raise and not a lot of money to do it with.
4. There is so much more to life. To many girls including myself, having a family one day is important, and something that some girls seem to rush. I am only a sophomore in college and even though it may not seem like it we have plenty of time to find “the one.” Just because you don’t have ring on your finger by graduation does not mean you are going to be a cat lady. We should spend way less time trying to find a husband and more time focusing on our career and when the time is right a version of prince charming will walk into your life.
I find it that when you spend a little less time looking for a man, and a little more time loving and improving yourself men seem more interested. Desperate is out, ladies. There are lists of things I plan to do before a ring is on my finger, just life experiences that I want before I am married. I want to see the world and be confident in who I am before I attach another person in my life for what is supposed to be till death.
5. Expressing yourself. If you just get an undeclared degree or don’t even finish out college because you think you have found the one, then how will you ever be able to fully express who you are? To me, college is all about finding yourself and what makes you truly happy and your purpose for life. Finding a man is not your purpose for your life, and you have to find yourself if you truly want to be happy. I was raised to be independent and strong. I believe there is a perfect timing for everything in life, but college is a time to be selfish and get what you need to happy and successful.